''no thanx Im already injusred I dont need to be sick again........'' Zeke raised up his sword........ ''Just one question who is this puppy dog?''
Zeke stoopped Kuju with his sword......... {shoot still havent gained my strength back} ''*smiles* whos this little puppy?'' turns to Tor..... ''A thankyou would be nice''
k thanx.......
*new entry* http://www.veoh.com/videos/v829951APdwaQm6
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtyIT1j1BjY this parody is funny if u havent played clock tower: the first firght you may not get it........
Zeke held onto his sword kneeling and panting as the red clouds disappered....... {........there...........leave.........me.............alone} Zeke then faints........
As Zeke ran threw the waste land he saw a red cloud.He then drew his sword waiting......... {c'mon freaks lets see what you got} when the clouds went over Zeke there was nothing but pitch darkness..........
occ: wow I missed alot.........from dark riku post I asume its night Zeke walks outside of the cave......... {hmmmmmm I think its time for me to leave I stied here long enough , besides they're gannah be coming soon} Zeke then runs out into the night time
occ: sorry i wasent on yesterday I was really busy -_- ''well well well wat tdo we have here.......'' Issac appered with his three undead generals General1 wore all black cloths that seemed torn , General2: wore a normal torn up marine uniform , and the last general looked completely zombified.......... ''Are my favorite band of pirates fighting? *pushes up glasses*'' occ:
General1: gaahhhhhhhhhh! *breaks free of wind* grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'll take u all down by nature.........*disappers* all of a sudden the wind started to get stronger and the waves gotten bigger........
the marine pulled himself bac together........... Marine1: you git guts little lady *grabs belle* I'll suck your soul
occ: Im calling it a day 2 guy later.........
''not until he gets 1000 souls............ hehehehe see you then I have a town to kill......... *disappers*'' ------------------------------------- Marine1: I'm undead loser hehehehe *grabs exacliber by its blade* hehehehehehahahaha *puches Varnor* occ: to beat the Marine use holy water............(or something that has holy in its name)
Genral1: enough *grabs Varnor and begins to suck his soul*
''Jade I was on locking James outside.......'
I here theres a $100 price drop for the ps3($600 to $500) only becuz theres a new and improved one is coming out and that one is gannah be $600. I also here that once the old ps3 's (now $500) are all out its just gannah be the new and improved ones ($600) post wat u think for dicussion..........
2050 waffles ^^ :guns:
''go ahead cut me , as you can see *steps in the light* we're the same.......''
'Well Im here to get your soul *pulls out sword* enguard nave''
same here in chicago (I usually find someone to buy me M rated games) and doesent this belong in the game section........