Volner appered in mid air.......(around kyla and Tor) ''......have any of you seen an annoying boy wearing all black , if you tell me where he is I'll make your death quick and painless.........''
Iero then disappered in a cloud of smoke....... ''g-g-guys I-I need help h-h-hes coming.........Valkner''
banned for banning someone when your banned for banning me!
banned for not having venom in ur sig
Iero ran infront of the cave and howled........ ''*weak voice* g-guys help''
banned for being a keyblade master
banned for having sora drooling *ew -_-*
im useing this vid instead guys I just made it ^^ http://www.veoh.com/videos/v829951APdwaQm6
The Mortis ran after Zeke relentlessly until one of them bit him badly........ ''gahhhh!'' ''meow!'' Zeke fell and Valkner appered...... ''hehehehehe *picks up Zeke by his shirt* your weak Im gaoing to kill you *draws sword* NOW!'' Iero then transformed he grew sharp claws , teeth , thick fur , and liquid brown eyes........ Iero growled..... ''Pathetic ,cat I'll kill you along with him.....'' Iero put Zeke on his back then ran for it. Mortis after them! the shadow creatures ran after Zeke and Iero..... ''Iero......... get to.........Kyla hurry......''
banned for collecting souls
banned for having a non-manly avi
banned for being a demon slayer
Zeke ran away from Volkner....... ''Coward! Mortis after him!'' All of a sudden black shadow like creatures ran after Zeke...... ''Thats all I need'' ''meow''
banned because I say so!
''well....I..uh......'' ''Because he betraied us'' ''Valkner h-hows it been?'' ''hmph these are your friends? then they shall perish with you. Mortis!!!!!! the red cloud came over the group and it was completely dark ''Guys use ur ears the Mortis are fierce espeacilly at night'' Maniac laughs filled the air occ: this is wat the guy in grey looks like
''hmmmmmm'' all you heard was silence nothing else........... '' sigh u scared Kuju why wont you go in there.......''
''I suggest you run tothe Mortis my bros will rip any living thing to shreds and I doubt your a match for em so you should run with us.........'' the red cloud had gotten even closer
''Just my bros you leave the family and they scar you for life , c'mon lets go if we move fast enough we can lose em''
''No not really I love annoying ppl especially people like you'' Zeke then saw red clouds in the sky ''Its them , catcha later *runs away*''
20793 havent u noticed that some ppl on this forum have no sence of humor