Valkner kicks Kyla...... ''As my bride you should know your place'' Valkner then went torwards Tor This is *raises sword* YOUR END!!!!!!!!!!!! when Valkner attempted to kill Tor Zeke blocked his sword....... ''hehehehehe, hello older brother.......'' zeke you fool Zeke pushed Valkner back then healed Tor...... ''you should be ok now , your good as new''
this should be easy Valkner started to slash Tor from all sides then he kicked him to the wall.......
Valkner drew his black sword....... ''Bring it on you pathetic creature........''
Valkner grabs Tor then throws him against the wall........ hehehehehe I can touch her when ever I want , weakling........ to Kyla: you will be mine one way or the other.......
heh your fiesty as usual *touches the side of Kyla's face* thats what makes you so beutiful
Then Valkner appered infront of Kyla..... ''Hello girly hows it been?'' Valkner looks at Tor....... ''Have you been cheating on me my bride?''
''Like you can kill me young Kyla , I'll search the shadows to find Tor's location so we wont have to stay in the cold for long......*Starts to meditate* focus........SHADOW PULSE!!!!'' then shadows flew out from zeke....... ''Heh found him , Kyla we must hurry hes on the brink of death.......''
''no, just preventing you from doing something stupid, ur wounded the snow can easily overtake you, espeacily if theres a blizzard coming,just leave it to me mate.''
Zeke kicked Kuju in the back....... ''sorry, I'll go there myself, I can teleport betwwen shadows so it wont be a problem for me.....''
''just tell me where he is I'll find the guy.......''
it was an ok movie , it had its funny moments but it had its boring moments as well 7 out of 10 ( minus 1 because of no side show bob) SPIDER PIG!!!!!!!!!! lol
''gasp! somethings........wrong........I sence something...........its about Tor..........THAT GUY OWE ME 12 BUCKS!!!!!!!!!'' occ: sorry had to get some randomness out
''hmmm? a blizzard? in this area? you've got to be kidding........''
occ:its when you get pulled by a motor boat (which goes in circles) on a huge tube , its a brutal yet fun ride........ ''because you cant survive in your current state you idiot.....''
occ: yea it was awsome, u gattah go ski tubing ^^ Zeke grabbed kuju...... ''ur going no where!''
''stubborn as usual eh kittykat?'' Zeke appered in a cloud of black smoke with a new costume. he had on a long black sleevless jacket which is unzipped he wore a black skin tight sleeveless shirt under the jacket , he had on black pants with red out lines , red and black shoes (the out lines on the jacket are red also) , and he had to sords on his back one pure red and the other pure blue...... ''hehehehe did u miss me?''
I actually just tried to make my own opening...... My wmm kept crashing like heck! thats why it took me 3 days....
thanx dude ^^
banned for seeking revenge
heres my newest amv ^^ it took me about 3 days to do so enjoy.......