Haha, I want all of seasons, not just SUN 365 DAYS A YEAR! Haha, awww, where's the magical unicorn stampede when you need them.
Bring Your Own Beer in my pants
Awww, Rick Astley made another comeback! Dang, now I want snow. Stupid desert environment!
Actually it's Pi squared, but who cares?
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter in my pants.
Well that's cool. Early start. What happened though? Snow storm? Storm? Magic unicorn stampede?
The effects are amazing. Small negative space, but nevertheless, it looks awesome! 10/10
It is now in this generation.
okay, V2(removed border):
That's awesome Yeah, my break started last Thursday after Finals. When did yours start?
The KHV Spam Zone: The best way to destroy your virgin eyes
What game pisses you off the most?
Haha, xD That's cool. How's your break?
With border No border: Cnc? I used what I learned in art class, about monochromatic colors, complimentary colors, etc. I also used some effects like ripple and lighting effects in photoshop. Oh and lots of soft light layers just to get the value range right because brightness and contrast didn't work out as much for this.
Haha, I know, huh? I still remember you, but not much, but nevertheless, I know you, haha I'm good, you?
Is not a member of KHV
It's true, but just some. I guess Bill Gates had his messed up "anime sex related" reasons.
There's snow southeast and north from where I'm at. No snow where I'm at though. The city next to us might depending on the weather.
Nel from Bleach.
*Beats you up with Chuck Norris. (Yes he is a weapon)*