Snow White in my pants
He has potential. He actually deserves being a runner up for American Idol because they more famous than the grand winner. Really, I mean take a look at Jennifer Hudson. Anyways, his songs (what I have listned to) are Good good. For his type of genre, it's really good.
I don't know. You know I ate the cookie right?
The effects looks amazing and the stock really went well in this sig. 10/10
I agree. The First Naruto Shippuuden Movie was the best out of all of those. But if I were to pick among the first 3, it would to be the first.
There's a possibility. I mean the internet relies on bandwidth, doesn't it? If the maximum bandwidth of the whole internet exceeds, we may not see it. But then again, we have the experts to correct that job, so as of now, no it might not be around this time, but there's a possibility it may.
This is yet another literal "In your pants" game!
Don't do it! You'll end up like the Kings of Leon video!
Version 3 would have to be the most decent. Version 1 needs a good light source. It's dark. Version 2 has effects which changes it, but it lacks something. Version 3 is simple and looks better than the other 2. So Version 3: 8/10
Why are we talking about this anyways? xD Haha, do you saint?
WAHAHAHA! CHOCOLATE IS BAD TO EAT DURING NIGHTTIME! So I'm left with no choice but to eat you!
Looks like someone just touched themselves tonight, lol. That's for sure. First the video was okay, until you start seeing things, you're so disturbed that you're eyes are still glued to the screen.
Then let the cannibalism begin.
Kings of Leon weren't the people as I expected to be, haha!
Are these chocolate chip?
Conditionally you will, haha I'm getting hungry though...
Dude! That songs was cool after you see the music video. My virgin eyes was screwed for life.
Or even worse, you crashed the whole interwebz for everybody! How could that happen, I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough.
Please...anything BUT that song!
You're on the list...wahahahahahaha! But it sucks cause I ate.