hey all hows it going..?
hello all hows it going..?
OO ok ill check those out ltr
Nop havnt seen those heh how r they..?
Sure kika but ive seen alot
aww i was hoping for a longer anime wel if u find more tell me
rly it seems lik a short anime how many episodes r there?
Hey all hows it going?
hey all wsup
heh kev's not even on hmhmhmhmh havnt seen him around n aile or i keep on missing him heh
Ye its a pretty kol anime heh
O im on the 13th
ive been watchin that anime heh
kolkol im just sitin here rdy to leave in lik 3 hrs
Sup Burn hows it going
hello to all
Its a spoiler to me cause im watchin it... now i know someone dies that ruins my day XD
haha lolz....
yea thx i would of never kown bout it heh its lik almost like my ideal anime heh
hmm i like this anime is kol