Yes i kno it is always easier said then done i can relate to wat happens to you because it happens to me so what u gotta do is try hard no matter and dont giv up..yes i kno its hard but i bet u can do it
Well allthough people may make u fill bad u also got friends that make u fill happy so dont pay attention to what those people have to say
ooc it kol we just need some more ppl online n no1 tlkin in fam nomore XD
well it happens dark same stuff always happens to me heh
wow alot of info XD
its goin pretty good just sitin around
helo to all hows it goin?
"ok.." *still looks at the papers* *sighs* "I just cant figure this out.." *close the folder and walks out*
"yes this is strange....., i have an idea to who could of done it but im not sure yet"
*hands her papers* its weird how it happened and i cant figure out how it happened"
"just some papers about the murder yestorday its interesting"
*Sojiro looks at the papers from the murder*
hello im back
heh lolz ye ma b-day in Jan so im gettin the same thing over here but for now gtg cya ltr
hha lolz ye think ima do the same for christmas
yea lolz i havnt had a get together in awile lolz we meet lik once a year
Ye then i walk off and dont pay attention to notin heh
haha lolz ye i do tht 2 man its so dunny lolz heh
yea i kno they be lik "hey remember wen u did this and that" im lik no... with a confusing look
ye there was alot i didnt even kno who some of the ppl was lolz