"Yup we sure are, well lets head back its getting late"
"ok thankyou i appreciate it" *he smiled*
"well im not ganna rest until i figure this out... i know i can do this one.."
"well i can deffenitly conclude that this doing was not human".. "but what i cant figure out is the motive for this and how this happened" *sigh* "if only my dad was alive he could figure this out.. im so young got lots to learn still"
"hmmm looks like whoever wanted this thing killed everyone to get to it... but wow who was it.. and so brutal too.." *he looks around to the windows which were broken from the inside..* "It looks like this "thing" was in here and waited because no one broke in hmmmm" *thinks*
"hmm really??" *he goes to see the manager.... "wow ur right.. hmm i wonder whats in his brief case"
ooc No im good :D its kol bic: "Heh ur a cop and yet u cant handle this..." He laughs "well lets get busy..." *he looks into it* "wow im getting noting here... theres just no evidence to wat happened here.."
"ok lets head off to the scene then" *walks to the spot were the murder was*
"well i was thinking about investigating this murder alittle more"
"ok sounds good" *starts to walk*
"o mind if i go with you?"
He waves "hey Aya where ya headed?" he said
Sojiro walks out and sees Aya
hello to whoevers here
well i have the same problem but sometimes i just join other things and i start to have fun
yupp same here XD so cya later
*sniff* im sad :( jk yup we knew eachother for awile heh
no need to appoligize i was new but havnt posted here in awile so im still new heh
kolkol...been long since ive posted here
hello long time no see