BC will own, I cant wait to make new chars with all my guild mates :)
This is a video from a few weeks ago I did using fraps. It's me playing wc3 in the first person. I'm a really good war3 player, so all of you who know/like the game, should have fun watching :P Turbo Upload http://d.turboupload.com/d/1343633/fpVoD_0001.wmv.html Google Video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1282468534734113534&q=wc3+vod
Me and my bro are gunna do max300 on heavy together! It's been a work in progress T_T
Darkwatch Is Obsessed With Yaoi, He has 20 Gigs Of It On His Comp >.>
I cry for all eternety because I would be unable to play warcraft T_T What would you do if you saw me kicking the crap out of darkwatch (like I do on a daily basis >.>)
good sir, you are a scary priest...
OK 1 EMBARESING STORY! This one time, when we were living in our old house, our back yard got flooded and frozen over in winter, we were all outside sliding around on it, having fun. So George (DW) comes out and starts messing around, and slips backwards, and rails his head on the ice (not that hard) so he starts whining and go inside. He comes out 2-3 more times, DOES THE SAME EXACT THING, without learning from previous experiance, and ends up not going on ice in our backyard for the rest of the winter XDDDDDD
If I did he'd stab me in my sleep, god knows he's already thought of how and when to T_T. DarkWatch doesn't HATE anyone, more like he has a extreme distain for people...which can also be translated into what is commonly refered to as...hate...crap XD He hates me for invading Kh-vids t.t
No stupider than my brother, and hes an admin!
Lesson 1: All forum rules are based on one single premise - Don't be stupid.
I was at everyone 06 event, and 5 of the 05 events. Those were really good times, met alot of cool ppl all across the nation. Some of you might even know who I am if you know anything about mlg haha. Well either way, I'm putting a team together for the 07 season, gunna hit top 16 again ^^
...I swear on my life, there is never a forum that fails to have this thread. xD Yea so I like girls...
I think of the rouge angels from Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube :D
I love to watch my brother grit his teeth ^^ thx all :P Little know fact: Darkwatch is actually an xbox game my brother nor I have ever actually owned, and that is where his digital namesake comes from. In other words, he played the demo on MY xbox. POSER! xD
Sup everyone, Club bleach forums got really lame and boring, so I'm skipping town to KH-Vids, <3 my brother Darkwatch who lives upstairs.