I understand artist liberties (especially in abstraction) but I mean...c'mon, thats a lot of disjointed ****. I can see a bunch of colors and the girl's face. Other than that is just looks pretty. O_O Not to be offensive, but I really think from looking at many of your sigs you need to tone down how much you do to these pieces, more is not always better.
Its cool, I just think the text needs A LOT of work. It looks very out of place, considering it takes up half of the space in the sig.
Emo isn't even a style or state of being, its a style of music. You can't say a bunch of kids are a style of music, that doesn't make sense. Most people who are commonly referred to as "emo" are actually more accurately categorized as "scenesters". I would consider myself to belong to this group. Actually emo music are bands like "Rites of Spring" and "Sunny Day Real Estate". Just thought I'd clarify that.
Yeh no ubers standard lineup (Curselax, Blissy, ect) gets really boring really fast :P
Dralnu Control is imba, don't play tier 1 decks, go rogue. With that being said, I love it, the colors and effects you used really go well with the lich lord himself.
I agree with my bro, less of the stock should be obscured, but more should be going on. There is obviously a focal point, but with the width of the sig I just feel bored, as there is only one thing I'm looking at.
Everyone knows at heart, forums are just big spam zones. So its all good har har. I was thinking that too I suppose. My bro gave me some interesting ideas for it I'll mess around with.
I promise.
Enjoy O_O
...There is no point to a signature besides having one in there. It would be a picture of a rolling green medow with 4 tele tubbies, and there would be 4 subjects. There doesn't have to be, nor is there defined in any way that the object or rule of a signature is for it to have one subject at any given time. /end argument
Deserves* ?
1/10 to your spelling. 7/10 on the sig. Personally it's not really my style, and it all seems sort of bland. I'm more for lot's of colors and textures, and less centered subjects, because you create a very linear experience with one main color and 1 main subject. There's just not enough to look at.
Im pretty sure it took like less than a day xD GJ bro <3 I Dl'ed photoshop after I saw this, It's inspirational ;O
uninspired and unoriginal = Water temple, fire temple, forest temple, ect... Pretty boring to have to collect something by going into the same elemental taverns that all play off a specific theme, that you are forced to repeat 10's of 20's of times for the entirety of the dungeon.
The new zelda for wii... Call me old fashioned, but repetitive and anoying levels using link as an animal were just fillers, and the uninspired level designs were totally unoriginal. And not to mention, I liked actually pressing the "A" button to swing my sword, not looking like a moron swinging a controller around -.- Runescape, Maple story, ragnarok
yea well, I </3 putting things on youtube...plus I thought the video recorded in full screen xD. But yea...wc3 is my forte :)
yea and guess what, we are a couple of poor kids in a 1 story house, why did I bring that up? I dunno, why did you bring up you are rich O_O either way, Stepmania is better practice to a point, but at the end of the day, if you dont play on the arcade, it doesnt really matter ;) Both me and my brother are around 6 feet tall, and each weight around 150-160 pounds, and play ddr mostly on the keyboard...we are such fat asses.
US west: yM.ArCaDiA US East: ArCaDiA- dota is for lamers, hit me up if you play actual wc3. Solo only, no at, no teams.
so yea, like thats cool and all, but are you speaking of getting A's on a KEYBOARD... Me and my brother actually get AA's and A's on those songs in the arcade, not some lazy dance mat at home, the ARCADE. Sorry to be mean but, there is a massive difference between step mania, home DDR, and the arcade, and I think its important to realize the differences...
So yea my lame brother won't go half way with me on the Wii...I'm pretty sure he wants an ipod -.-;;