Lol Over 9000 Songs, I Just Died Of Laughter.
I see someone is a mars fan ^^ Sadly, I'm still missing the last 3 volumes, I never got around to buying them =(
High school.
I figured I'd leave em big. Didn't think it'd be a problem. Yea they are over 4 years old (and sometimes even more). I'll maybe post something new later. I just thought its nice to look back when you were "bad" or a worse artist and just see how far you've come. much of the smudging and nastyness comes from them being old and mal-treated. FYI, I'm a senior in HS right now.
Hi everyone, these are several (9) drawing from when I was first learning to draw. These occurred from my 8th grade year until my sophomore year. Now looking back on them, I can safely say I've made vast improvements, and it shows exactly how far you can come. Since then, they have been moved from house to house more than 3 times, crumpled, stomped on, etc. So the scans are rather low quality. With that, I hope you enjoy them as much as I have been lately. Feel free to give any comments you like.
I'm fairly positive there is a distinct difference between referencing and blatantly copying.
Generally speaking, being an artist for the last 8 years of my life, I've never had trouble learning anything in more than a few attempts. Sorry for assuming this for everyone.
For the actual drawing, the coloring and style just seems really ugly, while the actual drawing it pretty well done in most parts. The skin color/tone just doesn't do it for me.
Your proportions are off, especially on the hands. Draw darkers, and keep practicing. And it looks like you drew it off of something else, which I always frown upon. =(
Did you use a tablet to draw then edit in it PS? Or did you do an original sketch, then scan it and use PS?
Im the only one here not impressed. Its good, but copying other characters never really warrents me to give props. Anyone can do it really, it just takes a few practice runs. If you have any original art work, I'd be interested in that.
So anyway, I'm sort of a community member on this site "" and its a place where the members of the community submit their shirts using a vector art program (such as adobe illustrator) and I recently got accepted into the runnings on this site, and now my shirt is up for scoring. If the site decides to print your shirt, you win 2,000$. Thats right. 2,000. So essentially I figured "I'm a funny guy/artist, why not try?" and thats what I did, I tried. So, if you would so kindly make an account, and score my shirt/leave me a comment, I would love it fellow members. Give me an "I'd buy it" because you know you would =)
I think you need to branch out a bit more. It looks like all your other sigs. T_T The one thing I notice about my brother, whenever he's doing sigs, he's always doing new things, and always challenging himself. I would suggest doing the same.
It just seems low quality and hard to read =|
The stock makes 0 sense here. I love the style you are trying to develope, its very simple and clean (no pun intended) and I think would fit you. The stock just kills it for me.
Design 1 was used, but I still toned down the fridge details, as well as some of the water marks. This is a design for the website and I just sumbitted it about 2 hours ago.
The title of the piece is "Freezer Burns" In case anyone didn't get the joke. gg =)
It was just a little emotion/freehand type of thing I did for fun. Not really supposed to be anything. Abstraction is fun! =D
A fun artwork I did. Enjoy.