The most demented song on the CD has to be "A Little Piece of Heaven". It's a great song to listen to if you're pissed off at somebody.
Well, let me tell you, I love this CD. I got the special edition version, in which comes with the CD, but a bonus DVD, with exclusives like "Making of the CD", "A7X Cartoon", "Making of the A7X Cartoon", and more. Opinions on the new CD?
BTW in A7X's new CD, Brian's guitar solo in Afterlife is by far the best solo I've heard from him.
ooc: No Pirate, you're right.
No, it sounds too angry. How about hehehe? No, the woman would be marching in the streets by morning, that is after they do the dishes. XD
Trigger is Santa?!
Dingy Bed-Head FTW!!!!
Hello. Enjoy the site.
Excuse me hypocrite, but you're spamming more than anybody. And Spit, I agree. The reason Korn is on the topic is confusing since most of their videos on FUSE are old videos.
Hope you have a great day Vivi. =D
10/10 Chuck Norris would be impressed.
Avenged Sevenfold is going to smoke the competition.
ooc: Jaxed, that's foolish talk. You cannot resign. Nobody here can make rps as well as you can.
I'm sorry, you are?
ooc: Jaxed, hopefully you'll reply to my pm I sent you... So far I'm heading toward the name Xarzo.
Well, are you well known to this site? :/ Nah, only a little bit. Not by much though. lol
Since you were here before DogBoyX and Rosey by only days, you deserve one as well. =D
Dokuro-chan and Sakura-kun are way funny together.
I have been thinking of names for my character. Here's a list of all of the ones I've thought of: Xarzo Zaxsor Xukes Nex What are your opinions?
kthanxbai. =D