Roka then looked at Tera. "So Tera, how do you like it here? What is your main objective for being here?" Roka wanted to know a little bit about Tera before they went into battle.
ooc: Okay, could you PM the info to me? You don't have to if you don't want to. bic: "Thanks for coming in Tera. We'll discuss the mission once Venture comes in here." Roka then smiled at Tera.
"Well Venture, meet me in my office after you eat. We'll discuss your first mission." Roka then looked over to Tera Roth. "Tera, meet me in the the office with Venture. I have plans for you." Roka then grabbed a water bottle and went into his office.
ooc: Roka has been talking to Jack Swanson and Kain. That's mainly it. lol
You joined on 9-30-07, so the earliest you can have a name change is 3-2-07.
You won't be able to have a name change until you have at least 300 posts and you have to be a member here for 5 months.
"Right now, you're nobody to me. If you manage to pass training and the first mission, then I'll start to give a damn about you." Roka then chuckled as he said, "So how did you catch them? Did they laugh when you passed out from a pumpkin pie? Then by the time you woke up, they were still on the ground laughing? But seriously. If you think that just because an eye injury makes you a total badass, then you've got another thing coming. When I was fourteen, I lost my right face to darkness while trying to escape my hometown. I've never gotten that darkness out of my soul. Don't think for one second that people will be intimidated by little facial features. It's your fighting abilities that will leave marks to the worlds, not your face." Roka then tossed a key at him. "Get to'll need it." Roka then heard the rest of what Kain had to say. "It's fine, just don't act cocky. Trust me." Roka extended his hand. "Roka Drakson."
Roxas please.
Roka saw Kain wake up as he came back into the dining hall. "Kain....what the hell? How is it that you got invited here if you pass out from aroma of freshly cooked chicken?"
What do you mean? D:
Name: Roka Drakson Age: 24 Appearance: Long black hair(down to the end of his neck), A scar alongside his left eye(his left eye is blind), A curved in nose, facial hair growing around the side of his face and at the bottom of his chin. He wears a black cloak(much like the one from Assassin's Creed). Magick Ability: Level 2 Job Class: Assassin Noble/Citizen: Citizen District: Mharua Alignment: Good Background/History/Personality: Roka has had many problems througout his entire life. His parents were merchants who had a little store inside town. One day while Roka and his family were in the shop, many men barged in and killed Roka's parents when they refused to give them the money they earned that day. Roka's and his brothers were then sent to a far place where Roka had no idea where he was. While Roka and his brothers were tied to a tree, the men grabbed them one by one and hanged them right before Roka's eyes. Roka was supposed to be the last one, but his littlest brother, using his little hands, untied Roka before the youngest was hung. Roka managed to escape the death bringers and live in the shadows for many years to come. He got back into town a few years later after years in the country. He then started to live across a local school. Whenever the kids would come out and play, Roka would go over and watch them play. One day Roka saw a boy come out with a text book, Roka came up to the boy, but the boy got scared and dropped the book. Roka then grabbed the book and ran across to where he lived for the time being. He read the book for the longest time before finishing. He then wanted more books, so whenever a kid brought out a book, Roka would scare the kid so Roka could have the book. One day while Roka was watching people come out of the school, he saw a teacher carrying several books, so Roka attacked the teacher and ran off with as many books as he could. He was then arrested when the book trail searched back to his living facilities. While in jail, he was given a book: Escape Artist of the Early Ages. During his time in prison, he had read the book inside and out, knowing everything there is to know about it. After being in prison for two years, Roka, at the age of sixteen, broke the locks to his prison cell and made a run for it, with the help of his book. He then devoted his life to revenge for what had happened to his family. While in Mharua, he had met a few others like him that wanted to help the world free of sinners, which is assassination. He now works as a savior for the village and shows the corrupt people of this world know what he is capable of at the age of only nineteen. Demo Post: Main street is filled with many people, merely passing aside eachother for many different reasons, may it be work, shopping, or just exercise. Roka then brings out a picture of a raggedy middle-aged man. Roka then backs into the alleyway once more and waits. Many odd and normal people pass the alleyway, not even noticing Roka. Then Roka perches out of the alley once more and spots the man coming out of the grocer. Roka doesn't hesitate and starts walking toward the man. The man then turns off main street onto another and Roka picks up speed, as to not lose him. The man then goes inside a liquor store and Roka waits for several seconds before going in himself. Roka smirks as looking at the man. The man opens up a wine bottle as he attempts to sample some before he purchases it. The man then stops and steps outside toward the restroom. Roka finds this a perfect opportunity and sneaks up to the counter. The clerk turns his back as he cleans a glass and Roka runs up to the counter. He removes the top of the wine bottle pours in this thick substance. Roka then twists the wine top back on and heads out the door. Roka has a clear view of the man and the clerk from across the street. The man takes a swig of the wine bottle and smiles. Then his face expression is unreadable and in a matter of seconds, the man is down on the ground, dead/
"Not that I can think up at the moment, but please stand by in case something comes up. I have a bad feeling today for some odd reason...."
Well, in most A7X fan's opinion's(from most of my friends witch have all A7X cds) they keep on getting better than the last, and this one had really outdone itself, and City of Evil is better than Sound the Seventh Trumpet since Matt's vocals, Rev's drums, and Zacky, Johnny, and Synyster's guitar skills improved over the ten years they've been together.
Roka looked enthusiastic, but remembered a fellow knight. "The problem is him finding out that he's the best knight ever. The power could go to his head and then if he were to ever betray us, we'd have no way of stopping him....unless you do know how to stop him. Okay Jack, I'll need a full report on him as soon as you can. Before lunch tomorrow. I need to know every detail about this kid, we clear? I don't want anything left out, or else we will all regret it some day." ooc: Wing, you can PM the report to me, so that only Roka knows. Like, he's only read it. =]
Roka had a concerned look on his face. "Well, it appears that I'm very shorthanded around here...and I was wondering If you'd like to work you permanently instead of leaving after the battle. I can pay you any amount of munny you'd like. With Jaxed hardly ever being around, it's incredibly hard to maintain this place, so what do you say?" Roka then added, "And once one of these cadets becomes loyal enough to be a lead knight, you can leave."
Roka laughed at Jack's statement. He then turned to Jack and said, "Hey Jack, can we talk in my office for a minute?"
ooc: Sorry, I'll edit my post after I post this one. bic: "So I'm guessing you'll be staying here?" Roka smiled from ear to ear. "Oh, and not everybody here is an official knight. They have to maintain the same thing we were taught." Roka then winked at Jack. Roka then looked at the cadets. "Well, it seems as if you've been summoned here because of many reasons, but that does NOT make you knights. In order to be a knight, you must have everything there is: Hard work, determination, valor, and heart. Without one of those, you can't call yourself a knight. So Jack and I are going to train you all until you are ready for a mission. If you can't complete the mission, you will go back home and we will delete any records of you ever being here. UNDERSTOOD?"
I can't imagine why he'd say that[sarcasm]. But libregkd is right, if you go to any of the other gaming companies, they're going to obviously say that their product is better than the other competitors.
"Good to see you again Jack." Roka said as his smile grew. "Are you here for a visit, or is there something I should know?"