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  1. Donaut
    It wasn't in the spam section at first.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Donaut
    Could you give reason to this? What was it about the game that made you like it more than the first one? Please read the rules and the actually subject before making a post like this.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Donaut
    This isn't the spam playground. This is the Anything Else section, which count for posts and these type of people ruin it.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Donaut
    Well, since nobody bothered with my other one, hopefully somebody will with this one.


    We know that we are looking at something because its polished surface shimmers with light. Pulling back, other squares are revealed; the black and white tiles of a chess board. The board rises and spins, slipping beneath us we find ourselves moving across the board, moving through a chess game.

    The pieces are everywhere, checking and covering other pieces. It has reached that critical moment when pieces are traded and the board begins to clear as two strategies unravel towards a final outcome.

    Standing above the pieces around him, we see the black king.

    We move closer to his face, closer to his chiseled ebony features, closer until we are staring into his cold black eyes...


    Roka walked into a tavern to see a bartender at the other end of the counter. He then greeted Roka. His clients were vile, cruel people, caring only for themselves and their wealth. He’s killed children in front of mothers, and wives in front of husbands. His soul has become black, stained with the blood of innocent people so that others could steal their wealth. The greedy smile that appeared on his clients face as he brought them an item proving the victims death, repulsed and disgusted him. He longed to kill them and defile their corpse, but it would ruin his reputation and he lived for death, and being paid for it was just an added bonus.
    “I need you to take of a little nuisance for me.†His client was a fat man. His teeth had wide gaps between them and there was gunk all over them. Every aspect of him repulsed people. “This family is very wealthy, and if they die quickly, and silently it will be easy for someone to sneak in and loot the house before anyone realizes they’re gone.â€
    “You’re a sickening man.â€
    “Just take the gold and do your job you sneak.â€

    The house was beautiful. Large, granite bricks, strong, sturdy roof, and a garden so beautiful you had to turn around to realize it wasn’t just a dream. He snuck in through the window, using the moonlight as his guide. He was so used to being in the dark he was able to see very clearly and took some time to admire the house. It was full of silver, silver cups, silver plates, silver tables, and sliver relics.
    After he had seen enough he looked for the bedroom. He found them in a deep sleep. They were close together, hugging in for warmth in the cold winter night. Carefully, slowly, silently, he took his knives from their sheaths. He crept slowly to the bed. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Each step his heart pounded harder, anxious for the kill. He could feel that familiar rush, the rush of enjoyment he felt before every kill. His hands shook in anticipation as he held them over the two victims. And then………
    His knives went straight through their hearts. They didn’t even get to open their eyes. He checked each carefully to make sure they were dead. It was point-less, no one had ever survived one stabbing from his knives.
    He started searching the bodies for something he could show his client as proof of the deed....
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Donaut
    You people do realize you're spamming in an area NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SPAMMED?!?!
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Donaut



    We know that we are looking at something because its polished surface shimmers with light. Pulling back, other squares are revealed; the black and white tiles of a chess board. The board rises and spins, slipping beneath us we find ourselves moving across the board, moving through a chess game.

    The pieces are everywhere, checking and covering other pieces. It has reached that critical moment when pieces are traded and the board begins to clear as two strategies unravel towards a final outcome.

    Standing above the pieces around him, we see the black king.

    We move closer to his face, closer to his chiseled ebony features, closer until we are staring into his cold black eyes...


    Roka walked into a tavern to see a bartender at the other end of the counter. He then greeted Roka. His clients were vile, cruel people, caring only for themselves and their wealth. He’s killed children in front of mothers, and wives in front of husbands. His soul has become black, stained with the blood of innocent people so that others could steal their wealth. The greedy smile that appeared on his clients face as he brought them an item proving the victims death, repulsed and disgusted him. He longed to kill them and defile their corpse, but it would ruin his reputation and he lived for death, and being paid for it was just an added bonus.
    “I need you to take of a little nuisance for me.†His client was a fat man. His teeth had wide gaps between them and there was gunk all over them. Every aspect of him repulsed people. “This family is very wealthy, and if they die quickly, and silently it will be easy for someone to sneak in and loot the house before anyone realizes they’re gone.â€
    “You’re a sickening man.â€
    “Just take the gold and do your job you sneak.â€

    The house was beautiful. Large, granite bricks, strong, sturdy roof, and a garden so beautiful you had to turn around to realize it wasn’t just a dream. He snuck in through the window, using the moonlight as his guide. He was so used to being in the dark he was able to see very clearly and took some time to admire the house. It was full of silver, silver cups, silver plates, silver tables, and sliver relics.
    After he had seen enough he looked for the bedroom. He found them in a deep sleep. They were close together, hugging in for warmth in the cold winter night. Carefully, slowly, silently, he took his knives from their sheaths. He crept slowly to the bed. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Each step his heart pounded harder, anxious for the kill. He could feel that familiar rush, the rush of enjoyment he felt before every kill. His hands shook in anticipation as he held them over the two victims. And then………
    His knives went straight through their hearts. They didn’t even get to open their eyes. He checked each carefully to make sure they were dead. It was point-less, no one had ever survived one stabbing from his knives.
    He started searching the bodies for something he could show his client as proof of the deed....
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Donaut
    Couldn't agree more with Mish. I played it about three times just to get the story straight, and to tell you the truth, it was rather dull at many moments. Nothing like the first one.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Donaut
    lol This makes no sense. You can't post if you are offline(don't give me that invisible lecture). It's just hard to focus your mind on the keyboard when you're not close to it. XD
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Donaut
    Link looks at Ganondolf the whole time. Something about him just doesn't feel right. His name resembles Link's greatest enemy. Link kept a hold of his sword handle at all times.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Donaut
    It is simple. Castle Oblivion is nothing but an illusion. It was built out of nothing, so it is nothing. :P
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Donaut
    Well, the way that Disney is making the parks, many people will find it a burden if they go one year, then they come back and everything is all messed up and even some rides aren't there.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. Donaut
    I'm thinking that the old man is Master Xehanort, but also the Xehanort in the first KH. I'm thinking toward the ending of BBS, Master Xehanort defeats Terra and takes over Terra's body. But Terra's body had been so massacred by Master Xehanort, Xehanort was incredibly weakened by the damaged body. That's when Ansem had found him.

    BTW, this is all opinion.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Donaut
    I wouldn't consider Tidus under the category of awesome final fantasy characters, but I guess they had to even out the playable characters from each game. :/
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  14. Donaut
    ooc: Jaxed, I wasn't talking to your character. I was talking to hidden_light's character. Sorry for the confusion.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Donaut
    Roka saw a kid with a keyblade, fighting off a heartless. "Hey!" Roka yelled as he saw the person fighting. Roka then didn't bother and used a spell that engulfed his body. The light then faded and Roka was in full godly armor. He then went at blazing speeds to the person, running over and killing many heartless. "C'mon. We have to get inside now. You're not safe out here while they keep multiplying like this."
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Donaut
    Link look concerned at Zelda, making an expression, asking her if everything is okay.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Donaut
    If Link is still open, I'd like to be him please.
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Donaut
    Hmm... 7/10
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Donaut
    lol In my rep you called yourself a d*ck sucker who sucks his dad's d*ck. Fascinating. Never knew that about you CB. Oh, and #1 DinestyX, if I'm so mean, then why did I help you with your sig?
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Donaut
    What I find even funnier is that when #1 DinestyX derepped me, it only took one rep point away. XD
    Post by: Donaut, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone