A very entertaining read.
What did? The battle or the entire game?
It reminds me of that green haired woman used in all of those gifs with the hysterical laughter.
Hopefully at Jump Fiesta this year, the trailer will be shown to the public.
Gantz- Extremely action paced and gory. The storyline is one to behold. I just hate it that the series ended after 26 episodes and the manga continues.
Meh, never seen the first Street Fighter movie, but if it is good as people said the first one was, then I don't see a problem. =D
It's in the spam section stupid.
Wow, sorta pathetic that it took you a month to do just that. I had beaten the entire game in less than one week. Malificent was easy if you had the Olympus keyblade(probably the mistake you had).
I think the movie went to far when it showed Jason Lee. Does this once great actor now have to do this?!
It was okay. The annoying part was the yelling at the beginning though. :/
Kingdom Wildcats. lol
Wow Alex, I can't believe you give into peer pressure just like that. :/
Hmm...that's another one you'll have to rent to see if you like it. I sorta have mixed feelings about that game. lol Check for reviews on places like Game Trailers to see. I haven't seen one yet though. :/
163 and a few more rep and I'll be SUGAR COATED!!!!
He also stated that Cloud acted very similar to Vincent, too similar that he decided to keep Vincent out. :/
Hmm...thought premium get an extra part of the forum.
Well, many have talked about it in the forums here, so my answer is no different. I believe Vincent would be too much like a Xigbar clone and many clones from past games become stale and repetitive.
>_> Thanks for contributing your knowledge on the subject. /sarcasm Well, for Wii games, you can't go wrong with Zelda: Twilight Princess, unless you already have it for Gamecube. I've played that for hours on end, with enjoyment every second. Mario and Sonic at the Olympics is a game I'd recommend you rent before buying, because it's not what it was hyped up to be.
Let's see the things you get for becoming premium: 1. Colored username. 2. Another spam zone. That's it basically from what I've heard. Not making me enthusiastic about it.
RR13, will you for once shut the hell up? Nice find Dubai. It seems we may possibly be looking at a mod for TF2.