Here's a recent pic:
You'd be suprised.
But it's so delicious it needs 2 posts.
Geez, that pic of Alex and Inney (Roxas and Indian Jesus) is so old! Bask in its delicious glory.
I like this video :).
Roxas has this and other versions, I don't know what the big deal is.
Probably to give Riku a cool design; think about it, the new secret ending wasn't in FM+ either. He showed his arm getting damaged in the RoxasvsRiku battle to explain the bandage.
Mosquitos without a doubt.
Jinken - Death Note Everytime I Look For You - blink-182
There weren't really any secret bosses... just an optional one but he wasn't very discreet.
this is the best show. i'm about to watch 35, and i have seen the last 34 in about a two-day period.
i don't think he is as powerful compared to shaq, i mean shaq can just dribble it up and dunk again, and again, and again.
shaq he poses more of a full frontal threat.
holy ****, i jumped so high. I'd definitely wanna meet that but i think it's fake.
lol, yeah check comments first... i have been watching these vids, they're awesome.
Hmm, very good Roxas :). And if anyone didn't realize, this story was written by Roxas. I'm at his house right now. He's on a laptop currently writing part 2 while we listen to some blink. Anyway, I really liked this Roxas, it felt like you didn't make these experiences up, either, like they were really true and really happened to you.
^ That description ruled.
Roxas got banned by Sara for a video she didn't even see. Not only that, but staff told her that you see Roxas's "front parts" in the video. You don't. At all. In fact, there's cloth or a sock (the quality is awful anyway, you can't tell anything's there) there at all times and she hadn't even seen it but banned him. And I bet this thread will be deleted/locked/I'll be banned within the next 5 minutes but this is so silly. He's probably at home crying. Not really, he's probably eating dinner but still wtf.
Well when he found out he was banned he was just staring at the screen, and I was like "...Alex?" And he's just like, "Let's go." And then he didn't say much apart from a few sentences and grunts in the KHVRII movie. I feel bad, I mean it was us who persuaded him to do it.