I told him to walk into his sisters room naked. I should've known he'd actually do it.
Why is everyone dissin on High School Musical? The only musical that even comes close to matching this beautiful creation is Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny. And seriously. Join my forum, HSM-Vids.net
I don't know about everyone else but I'm dead serious. ZOMG VENNESSA HUDGENS.
Poor Louie! This put a damper on my day.
This movie will be so absolutely epic. I literally am pissing myself waiting for the masterpiece that will be High School Musical II. You should check out my fanmade forum: HSM-Vids.net It's a website where fans of the movies upload self made AMV's to their favorite songs. Anyway this movie will be be loaded with more action and romance than Pirates of the Carribean III, Harry Potter V, and Napoleon Dynamite all together.
Wait, which cat was this? Pipkin?
I don't consider people on-line friends, since I've never met them before.
Psh. No, I don't mind. You can keep him. He sux. jk. not really. No I'm just kidding. Or am I? >>
Roxas calls 2nd guitar, asking me to nominate him in his absence as he travels bravely and courageously to Tennesse with his family.
Everyone should join these two forums: JRock Revolution and S.K.I.N. Online Forums They're cool places for all the goings on with the Japanese Rock/Metal/Punk scene. I'm too lazy to find the URL's though. So find them yourselves. Roxas is admin on both sites.
I found a site that had really good Beck avatars awhile back... But I can't remember what it was called. I'll try and find it, they had everyone... Ryusuke, Chiba, Taira, Koyuki, and Ryusuke's sister whose name I don't recall.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=TJxchr1UP9k This song should play everytime you go to the main page. Or the non-live one. It doesn't matter, it should just be played so everytime you come to KH-V a tear will form in your eye.
GAHHHR!!!! This is Roxas, and HOLY POOP it's KH-Vids LIVE!!! Eventually we'll have better quality footage, but this is proof that it WAS performed live now. And really, the only thing too loud 4 me was the drummer, but other than that it's brilliant. Nate, post up the .mp3 of the original song!
Yes, the quality is not very good. Better quality recordings will be available to us in a month or two, this is just some video a fan took.
Yes, it's here, I fixed whatever was going on with Youtube. Anyway, bask in the mediocre quality madness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJxchr1UP9k
As probably none of you know me and Roxas are in a band. At a recent gig we preformed the KH-Vids song live. Unfortunately, Youtube is being weird and we are having difficulty uploading the KH-Vids song. However, we did get one of our songs up, so until the KH-Vids song is up, you can go ahead and watch that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMWWp0zfMwM The KH-Vids song should be up by tonight ;)
Alright I'll make a room: KHVids Pass: roxas
Okay... Get List, what room am I joining and what's the pass?
I love you in a creepy boy sorta way.
Yeah but then where do i go to play online with you guys?