i only have 1 frend IRL and thats my sister but i dont think she even lieks me and no1 on these fourms ever reply to my threads it makes me feel really rejected, ya know? especielly in role plays ppl always tell me to use grammer and sp. but it isnt my fault i dun kno how 2 type!! SOME1 PLZ B MY FREND IF U DONT THIS SI JUST A RLY MEAN SITE WITH MEAN PPL ;__________________;
When I first saw this title I was hoping this was going to be a sarcastic thread...
Because I have hax. :\ In all seriousness, though, I will point out that I'm not actually supposed to have posting abilities right now. If I recall correctly.
If I recall correct, you've been a member longer than a few minutes.
Posts like this always make me lol.
That was a good read.
Oho, I lol'd.
That was full of lulz XDDD Oh come on, she was even wearing frilly clothing >_>
Was that some loli bondage I saw thar?
X3 21771~
.....LOL. That is all.
It's an average thing, you have to look at them it from an generalizing point of view.
Please, spare me of additional conversation, if you want to even call it that.
Oh dear god. You obviously aren't comprehending the statement, just stop trying to inquire about it, I'm not going to elaborate further.
Yeah, I was kind of wtfing at that lol.
Ahaha, I don't disklike them in general. I don't RP myself, but in comparison to others it seems a lot of them on KHV are kind of...yeah. *cough*KH gets turned into fairies*cough* >_> If you didn't just get it the first time, I can't really explain it to you. :\
I didn't imply there was anything wrong with it, there's just a shizload of people who RP tons and never surface outside of the section. I wouldn't be benevolent, for future reference. .....no.
My Love ~ Justin Timberlake Oh, the shame. D;
I saw that coming from a mile away. :3
It makes me lol that these are the random people that I never know of that have the generic series reference/number aliases. I'd be willing to bet they RP.