Hell if I know lol. And we're talking about allison BTW http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=602459#post602459
lol, You're talking about the person who didn't know and didn't want to know that the male genitals existed.
Everyone has a little bitch in them. :3
God forbid you'll have to actually cook D: lol, One time I thought I'd be awesome [and by awesome I mean a fucktard]and make the house smell good. Of course, the first thing that occured to me was to pour lemon extract onto candles. The spoon, which was rather large, was engulfed in fire and I dropped it on the floor. It took me like forty seconds to put it out. It left a lovely hole in the carpet, though.
I think GIMP has some sort of GIF manipulation or you could pirate ImageReady, which I prefer.
Oh, Jube....
Oh come on Jube, don't steal my thunder. lmao
Yeah, but Mish was right. People wouldn't post anymore if they didn't count. :\ Though most forums I've been to don't have Introductions anyway...
I actually hope they get deleted lol, I was just doing it to mock all the people who do whore for posts in there.
Stop ruining my combo, dammit. XD
dude, combo.
Why hello there. I just thought I'd be a whore like nearly everyone else in this section and do one of those post count +1 things. Except I'll just straight up tell you :3. Well, I guess everyone else told you the mandatory stuff. Welcome, I guess. /copypasta
Why hello there. I just thought I'd be a whore like nearly everyone else in this section and do one of those post count +1 things. Except I'll just straight up tell you :3. Well, I guess everyone else told you the mandatory stuff. Welcome, I guess. /copypasta That green smiley never fails to annoy me.
Why hello there. I just thought I'd be a whore like nearly everyone else in this section and do one of those post count +1 things. Except I'll just straight up tell you :3. Well, I guess everyone else told you the mandatory stuff. Welcome, I guess. /copypasta French toast.
Why hello there. I just thought I'd be a whore like nearly everyone else in this section and do one of those post count +1 things. Except I'll just straight up tell you :3. Well, I guess everyone else told you the mandatory stuff. Welcome, I guess. /copypasta This is one nice combo, right?
I admire you greatly for being one of the few who add meat to their intros lol. Why hello there. I just thought I'd be a whore like nearly everyone else in this section and do one of those post count +1 things. Except I'll just straight up tell you :3. Well, I guess everyone else told you the mandatory stuff. Welcome, I guess. /copypasta
Why hello there. I just thought I'd be a whore like nearly everyone else in this section and do one of those post count +1 things. Except I'll just straight up tell you :3. Well, I guess everyone else told you the mandatory stuff. Welcome, I guessm even if you've been here for a while. :3 /copypasta