Again, drama. As much as I love it.
For god's sake make your damn mind. D:<
Well if that's how it is...:\ Why do I bother? D:
Dear god, no. I can't afford $450 for a single skirt. XD
Oho, teasing now? D:< Two can play at that game. EDIT: Damn...
I quoted them for the sole purpose of it being directed towards them.
You are cancer.
Three hours? :\ When I go to the mall I spend at least six. Eight if I'm at the one in Lake Orion, since it's VS is boss. Penny's and Sear's though are unparalleled fail. Forever 21 > all IMO. Anyway, enough of my femmy shit, I love making aimless side purchases D;
After a few hours I put my computer on mute and turned on my iPod. As addicting as that remix is...
lol, Someone just posted all the reporter's info on /i/. Some lady answered the phone. Sounded kinda cracked out.
You forgot one.
Yeah, both memes originated from 4chan. Rules 1 & 2 only apply for raids, newfag ;3 "LULZ IS A CORRUPTION OF LOL"
Dongs dongs dongs~
Ahaha, oh wow. That guy has the most annoying singing voice ever.
Softcore, bad fanart at best.
My proxy doesn't like flash player. :\ What's the title?
That is farking hawt ;o
Car, hit, etc. etc.
Dongs. That is all.