AHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA THEIR ALREADY HERE oO ;___; hmph.... ;____; pffft ;___; ;___; .... Indeed Insanity Partner :'D Oo
XDDDDDD *goes into that So called "Men's Trip" & drags them here*
muahahaha i've seen a pic of you... muahaha take that you Noobs!! XD
ohhhh ? Save ya from what? Dx .... @ Aerith *gets glomped* Woah oO Yo Yo How are you? xD ....... hmph Itachi >_>......
>_> is it cuz you havent been able to your precious BoyFriend? :'D >_> *gets shot* ;___; Hi Aerith =D
Jazz Jazz!! I have no school tomorrow tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Muahahahaha xD anyway.......;___; why are you ignoring my last pm ? Dx ;___; lol j/k Nvm oOOOOOOOOOO
*spams* YES YES YES YOU ARE!!!*spams*
ohhh xD uhmmm STILL EMO ;____;
oO ..........hmmmm IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmmmmmm oO are you Very Very VERY SURE!?!?!!? cuz...your always like....I'm Lonely & I wanna die .... or something like that Dx
ohh ;___; but still Dx you only talk to them the most when i'm here...i'm like HELLO!!! ...everyone: muahaha yeah fack not him again anyway lets ignore him...yeah =D >_> uhmm xD lol not the thing i was going to say oO anyway........ ;___; I'm Obsessed with anime & Manga...... oOOOOO i have my 500Gb HDD filled With Anime & Manga .... mostly Naruto & Bleach mangas lol ... 300 Gb of anime Dx lol *dies*
are you sure? .....VERY SURE!?!?!? Dx
we really need to find an Plan To Kill of this bish Dx @ DP wolf .... why don't you wanna know me? Dx .. i could help you too when your depressed .... lol *gets shot* DP: I don't need your help you slimy stupid Darkness wannabe fack!!! -__- Me: X_x
you pure emo beast oO
lalaalalallaalalalalaalalalaalalalaalaalalaaaaaaaaaaa & Why are you in Sad Mood ? oO
Shut Up Dx xD
lol i know xD oO *stops stabing self* >____________>
Don't you dare kick him ;___; i will leave toooooo then -_- cuz this family is getting so bored with rules that i could almost commite suicide oO .... anyway*backs away slowy*