you beat me up? oO where the fack is the world going to ? oO ehehehehe >_________<
Yes i have stalked you all your Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!!!!........ j/k xD oO anyway no....just figured it out lol oO me ish....mehh good .... I dunno Dx NO ONE SAYS THAT TO ME!!!! FACK YOU FAAAAAAACK YOU ... j/k oO bahhhhhh You Evil bish Dx ....... I'm Leaving this damn family lol oO *dies* -_- lolllllllllll ;___; poor nedy no one says him to shut up ...atleast not an Younger person.......... Dx OVER THE INTERNET oO
lets all start an Battleroyal against each other.... & SLAUGTHER EACH OTHER TO HELL!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Muahaha YAHH MUCH BETTER XD Correction ... i'm ....... Lonely err wtf ? .. uhmmm horrible!! >_> @VGN.... YEAH LET EM HEAR IT!! YOU PWN XD XD XD
the wolf's Serious side ... >_> Yahh Me Evil...EVILNICE!!!! oOOOOOO EVIL!! Dx xD *dies* Yo Jazz how ish ya ? ......
my Intentions: Try To Bring this facking family to HELL!! !!!
ohhh uhmmmm yeah =D Ta Da Darlings xD i know lol ..... hehe just Bored :'D.....anyway* D i e s *
ehhh... *gets shot* X_x
Ok Bye bye =D
LOlzzzzzz xD =PPPPP
uhmm no you didnt XD lol xP
Yes.... lol :'D >_> XD
Lol :'D ....i'm rewatching Shippuuden while posting :'D
i think it only happened cuz we Checked our USER CP .... -_- -_-
no........ -_-' damn thats so stupid... its an Rank System Bas3d on your Post Count........ Only premium Can Change theirs .... Fack. ...... -_- I think....
Ofc i am an Proud Itachi fan ..... & WTF ......This sucks ;___; Merlin's Houskeeper....WTF!!??!?!??!??! what an Stupid idea to put an Usertitle Rank system -_-'
ahhhh ...... I dunno Why Dx .... oO
Lol i didnt give the suit......he WILL NEVER BE AN AKATSUKI MEMBER -_- xD i just moved it there cuz i was looking at all the clothes :'D oO what usertitle ? oO
Lol look at this :'D XD OFC :'D