"Nulix had to fight a giant snake thing, so maybe we have to fight more giant monsters. For my second fight, I just got another god.. so who knows." Xegreny muttered, still sore from his fight with Balder.
"Oh right. I come out of a fight with broken bones and less energy than a battery, and you don't do a thing." Xegreny scoffed, watching Enigma heal Bellatrix. "Great job by the way Bella!" Xeg sighed as he cracked his fingers, and dredged the last of his strength to heal his wounds. He wouldn't be able to use energy for awhile, but he wasn't going to bleed to death anymore. "So, what monstrosities will we be facing next?" Xeg asked Enigma, since he pretty much knew everything. OOC: You make it sound like Xardius is working. 10% remember? Ten perceennntt. >| Boo. Seniors get it easy. D:
I go back next Thursay. <_> *too lazy to look up the date*
Omfg, hax. >:
I was just suggesting a spot. D:
Take away the box, and put it where the big black scribble is. >:
You be copyin' mah threads. D:
It's fixed now, but still super awkward looking. >:
.. Is wrong and awkward looking. >| It should match the forum skin. *shot*
"I'm... not really.. up to that." Xegreny muttered. "Am I even allowed to do that?" Shrugging, he walked slowly over to the arena in which Bellatrix was fighting. Before he could get onto the field however, he was swamped by medics insisting he needed help, and warriors who wanted him to feast with them to celebrate his victory over Balder.
I try to read the Manga before I watch an Anime. I've found with some series (Like Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist) that the Manga is far better than the Anime. :X And I wouldn't say I'm lazy, since I read FAR more than I watch television.
"What...? Enigma's a traitor?" Xegreny asked incredulously, before being thrown into the arena. When he got there, his opponent entered the ring. He was a simple looking old man, wearing a plain white tunic. In one hand, he held an exquisitely detailed longsword, and the other, a beautiful shield. He had long white hair, and a short beard. His cold blue eyes showed a strength and intelligence betraying his many years. "Hello," he said quietly. "My name is Balder. I shall be your opponent for this battle." "Uhh. Hi! My name's Xegreny." Xeg said, surprised at his appearance. You'd think that a God would wear clothes a little more opulent. But I guess not Balder. For a few moments, neither moved. "Umm... you ready, Balder?" Xeg ask awkwardly, thinking that the god would strike. "When you are." The old man said quietly, like he was daydreaming. "Uhh.. Okay!" Xeg said. Taking a fighting position, he fired off a blast. None too strong, just to see the extent of Balder's defense. Like a blur, the old man raised his shield and deflected it. "Come now. I can tell from looking at you, your much stronger than that. I'm a god, not an old man." Balder said. Lunging in with super-human speed he bonked Xegreny on the head with his shield and kicked him into the wall. Xeg picked himself up and coughed. He'd not only been surprised by Balder's speed, but how hard he hit as well, not to mention getting the wind knocked out of him. Leaping into action, Xegreny shot some blasts off at Balder, which he deflected as expected. Taking advantage of this, Xeg ran in and kicked the shield as hard as he could. It went flying away and lodged itself into the wall. With his defense gone, Xegreny lined up and blasted him with a ton of energy. To a normal person, it would've felt like getting hit by a train. When the smoke cleared, there was a huge hole where Balder's stomach used to be. The God of Rebirth smiled as the hole healed quickly. "Like I said. You'll have to try much much harder." "...wow." Xegreny said in shock. He'd seen some people regenerate before, but never like that! "Now, where were we?" Balder said, holding out his hand. Nearby, the shield dislodged itself and flew to his hand. With an 'oomph' he threw it at Xegreny, narrowly missing his head. He then dove in for a slice with the sword. The fight went on like this for awhile, Xegreny attacking, Balder regenerating, Balder attacking, Xegreny getting hurt. Xegreny's quick thinking, and battle experience kept him from getting hurt too badly.. but he was bleeding from multiple wounds, and probably had a concussion. This battle would soon be over if he didn't find a way to end it. "You.. just.. don't stop do you?" Xegreny growled, punctuating each syllable with a blast to a vital area of Balder's body. The heart, the lungs, the brain, the neck, each time the damage was healed as quick as it had come. And Xeg was no better for it. Balder expressionlessly kept the battle going. He swept at Xegreny with his sword with blazing speed, and smacked him with his shield with bone shattering strength. Inside however, he was at his limit. Age and fatigue had taken their toll, and he wouldn't be able to keep the battle going for much longer. In a ditch effort, Xegreny lunged in, and knocked Balder's shield away with a quick kick. He followed up with a point blank blast, with every ounce of energy he had left in him. The resulting blast of light and sound blinded the arena for a moment. Xeg shuffled away, while he could still stand. The light faded and there was Balder. Looking like he'd never been hurt. "Good..job.." He said in that same quiet tone, and collapsed to the ground. He wasn't dead. Just exhausted. Helpers picked him up, and brought him home. Before they left, they reassured Xegreny that he was fine. Xegreny simply nodded and limped out of the arena.
"Good work! Though... you don't usually pack explosives of that caliber.... do you?" Xegreny asked.
I actually watched that TDI show today. It was funny. >:
Both Durr.
OOC: Uh. Odin's death caused Ragnarok I thought.
OOC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norse_gods He's the first one on the list. And I don't think I can kill him, but I wasn't planning to. Why, do you need him alive for something? :X
"This... doesn't seem too good.." Xegreny said, unsettled by the girl. Before he could think on it more, the board flashed, and his next match appeared there. Apparently, he'd be fighting Balder.. the god of Rebirth. EDIT: Ehh. I've got a good idea for this fight. It might be awhile before I write it all out. >X