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  1. Xegreny
    OOC: Thanks. Still, it's hard when most people are writing long long posts, and I only write long posts when I actually have an idea. >:

    BIC: As Xeg walked through the streets, he smiled and laughed as he saw places he dimly remembered. Though, at one street, he didn't smile or laugh. He just kind of stood there. On one street, there was a large statue. It was of him. The people here revered him for all the things he'd done for them when, in the end, he'd failed to protect them. How painfully ironic.

    "See?" Adumbral said, stepping out from behind the statue. "With your body, I could easily get the people of this world do do as I wished. Anything really I bet. Like say, even raise an army. And with our.. "talents" I could make them weapons far beyond any other conventional weapon out there. Take good care of it now."

    And just like that, he vanished in a whisp of smoke. And then, Xeg started hearing sounds. The revving of engines, the sound of people, the tinkle of the bells on shop doors. People were arriving, and he was sure that he'd cause quite a scene, if he were to be discovered. Xegreny dashed down the streets, weaving through the people, trying to seem inconspicuous as possible. He was sure that only a few people recognized him. It wouldn't matter, he'd be gone, and nobody would believe them.
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xegreny
    Your never on when I am though. D:

    I've only seen you like, once.
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. Xegreny
    Darkwatch is such a downer. :(
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Xegreny
    Secrets? IN MY KH-VIDS?!
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Xegreny
    Not really. Since we're on the interwebs. ;D

    [spreads more anti-Dark Knightness]



    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Xegreny
    From the last one, I'm getting a sense that it'll be fine. :D
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Xegreny
    Misty should make some KH Manga avatars. :(

    *wants to steal the one you have right now* >:
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Xegreny
    [insert rebellious anti-Dark Knight post here]

    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Xegreny
    It's okay. We'll still read it, and we'll still laugh.

    It's the end-result that count, eh?

    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Xegreny
    Wait what?

    Whys? D:
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Xegreny
    God. I'm at the bottom of the list. >:
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Xegreny
    Sounds like a good idea to me.. but um.. there's like, over 100,000 of said people. :S

    Plus, we'll lose our tiny slice of fame. D:
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  13. Xegreny
    *in shock that there's no thread for this game, well. Except for the one I made AGGESSS ago. lolnecrobumpizbad >:|*

    Anywho. Details on the 13th free expansion of my most favoritest MMO ever just released.

    The coolest thing about this new expansion is that you'll be able to make your own instances (called missions in the game) and share them. o:

    Anyone else play? :D
    Thread by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Xegreny
    Lol. Neku, I play it. :3

    I'd be glad to teach you anything you need to know. Seeing as I pretty much owe you my life for introducing me to seRO. x-x
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  15. Xegreny
    I just finished reading Tuesdays With Morrie.

    Best book I have read in a VERY VERY long time.
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  16. Xegreny
    OOC: S'ok. It's not like I could've done anything. xP

    Thanks. I just get the feeling I'm not at the same uhm... "level" as some of you guys. Because I read your guys' posts and I'm always like, "wat. I wanna write liek dat."
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xegreny
    Wow, great job. It looks a lot like the characters do.

    I wish I could draw like that... x_x
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 26, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Xegreny
    OOC: Oh hai thur. Please to be subtracting the cape from screenshotz.

    Costume Creator, GO!

    BIC: "But of course, you can't visit wearing that." Adumbral sneered, motioning towards Xeg's outfit.

    "What? I like my old Organization coat!" He retorted.

    "But wouldn't you rather wear our old gear?" Adumbral said with a slight smile, snapping his fingers. A cloud of dark energy descended upon Xeg, and transformed his clothes back to the ones he used to wear when he was alive. The same silver combatsuit. The same protective padding, and harness, and supply belt. The same shock-absorber shoes. The same cool pair of sunglasses he'd found one day. The same stuff he used to wear, before he died that is.

    "Why... why're you giving me all this stuff?" Xegreny asked, baffled.

    "To be honest, your body's in a lot better shape than mine. Since I'm a Heartless, I had to forge mine out of brute strength. Yours on the other hand, is the body we had when we were alive. I want my new body to be in top shape, with our old gear when I take it over. Of course.. I'll have to kill you first. But that'll be nice and easy, now that we're out of that pesky arena." Adumbral said, cracking a wicked smile. "But please, enough of this unpleasantness. I see you've noticed the nice little city behind us. Due to wacky time dilation and such in the Dark Worlds it's been ten years local time since you were here last! You should go see some of the lovely changes that they've made. Have fun!"

    And with that, Adumbral vanished in a cloud of dark energy, spinning upwards into the air. Xeg was nervous. If Adumbral could teleport, manipulate matter (like making clothes), and change shape... AND make a body for himself.. that'd make him.. a lot lot lot better at controlling energy than Xegreny. But.. he didn't have a real body.. just a fake one he made out of energy. I'm not dead yet! I still got that chance! Xeg thought cheerily as he headed into his hometown.

    OOC: So far, nobody's been commenting on me. >:

    This seemed like a good idea when I thought it up.. but your lack of feedback.. worries me. :s

    Also: Forget the old Xeg backstory. I'm rewriting it. Kthx. :3

    EDIT: Wait... where'd everybody go!? DDDD:
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xegreny
    That sucks.

    I got dibs on inheriting all the awesome sigs he leaves behind. :D
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Xegreny
    OOC: Good trailer. When I saw the end for a minute I was like, "Wait, is that Greed? What the hell?"


    BIC: "I'd been meaning to track you down eventually. I like to tie up loose ends." Xegreny growled.

    "Ooh, did I make you mad?" Adumbral teased. "Well. That's not why I had you matched changed today. I did it so I could do this!"

    "Wha-" Xegreny began. Before he could react, Adumbral snapped his fingers, and the entire arena was swarmed with dark energy. Xeg had expected this, pure energy tainted by the darkness he wields as a heartless. Extremely painful for Xegreny. Though, instead of hurting.. it did nothing. The energy dissipated, and he opened his eyes. Instead of the arena, he was in a peaceful field.

    Off in the distance, he could see young children playing, and a little farther beyond that was a bustling city. It looked seemingly familiar. He couldn't quite place it, but he was sure he'd been here before.

    "Don't you recognize it? It's our home town, on our home world. Meion. You know, the city we died to protect?" Adumbral said with a sly grin, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.
    Post by: Xegreny, Aug 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home