This thread has kind of lost it's charm.. :(
"That you did. Though... watch that sword of his. He'll change it's shape constantly, and it's made out of energy.. which can make it lethal to some." Xegreny grumbled. "Lethal? What's that mean.. oh right. Killing. Why don't I do some of that now!" Adumbral said merrily as he leaped in the air and brought the energy-blade crashing down a few inches from Xeg's head.
See: "But that's a good thing!" S'ok. You weren't a member.
CATERPIE. am i doin it rite?
OOC: That's fine with me... but you just added a gun to his arsenal.. which means that it's a gun crafted out of raw energy.. which makes it much stronger than your average gun... >: BIC: Adumbral dissipated the gun he'd... "borrowed". If one of the silly little nobodies wanted to run around and say goodbyes, he could run around. Holding a hand in the air, he gathered energy at his palm, and forced into a sword-shape. A flash of light later, and he's got himself a perfectly crafted sword. Cracking a crooked smile, he swung it expertly.
Xegreny raised an eyebrow, "Since when can you fight?" Adumbral growled, and teleported himself out of harm's way. "Now," he said devilishly as his wounds healed themselves and he cracked his fingers "Where were we?"
OOC: I'm in your threads, postin' storiez. Also: Oh right, like my characters could maim yours. >: Also Also: Jeez, Wing. Get married already. WEeell.. wait.. nevermind. You'd wanna know if you can handle being together while in college/the real world and whatnot. BIC: "How'd you know my name..? Nevermind." Adumbral said, surprised at the comment by Enigma. Hardly surprising. He WAS a walking supercomputer after all. Taking the chance, Xeg blasted Adumbral far into the wall. Since they were opposites, his attacks did lotsa damage, more than the average attack. Xeg quickly pinned him to the wall with blasts. "Quick! Somebody hit him while he's down! I can't fight him hand-to-hand!" Xegreny said, focusing on keeping his Heartless distracted. "Low.." Adumbral began before getting pummeled by blasts, "Handed.... tricks.... eh?"
OOC: Wat. By occasionally, you mean everyday right? >: BUT YOUR RIGHT, WHERE DID EVERYONE GO? ;_; BIC: "Much better!" Xegreny said as he was revitalized. Before he could react however, Adumbral slammed him into a wall, and roundhouse kicked him to the ground. The heartless was still, much much stronger than him physically.
Can you say KHVR? Oh wait. Misty beat me to it. But that's a good thing, because KHVR is awesome. :3
"Oh. How kind of you." Adumbral sneered, as he took a moment to repair some of his wounds. "I beat my Nobody, I'm sure I can beat you." "Hey! I'm not beaten yet!" Xegreny muttered from the sidelines, recovering from wounds. OOC: Ack. Gotta go. -_-
"Ooh. Tricky." Adumbral said as he got to his feet. "You ran and got help from your friends, how brave. I guess I'll have to deal with you people now.. I would've had to do it sooner than later."
OOC: Ammmazzinnng. I guess I can give you something to do. :X (Seeing as I haven't figured out how to do it myself yet. xP) BIC: Conveniently for Xeg, the portal he made opened up back in the Dark Worlds, in the Dark Olympus Colosseum. And only a few meters away, were his friends. Xeg and his heartless tumbled out of the portal and fell to the ground. Quickly jumping to his feet, and kicking Adumbral back he shouted over, "Heyyy! Gimmie a hand!"
OOC: Really. It was fun! Except, I have the Wii version, so you have to draw JUST RIGHT, or you fail. :(
OOC: Woooahh. I go away to play Lost Planet/Okami for two days, and all this happens? >: BIC: "You know..." Xegreny said, as he gasped for what little breath he could find. "Just simply touching this fake body of yours, has helped me to learn more about how the energy actually works.." "So? I'm still going to end your sad life." Adumbral sneered. "Not..quite." Xeg replied. A small sphere of energy gathered beneath them. It quickly grew and expanded as more energy was put into it. It expanded to about the size of a small doorway. It was a portal, much like those made of darkness. "Let's see where we end up.. shall we?" Xeg muttered, kicking Adumbral sharply in the knees. The heartless' footing buckled and they both hurtled through the portal. It closed up behind them with a small flash of light.
Foxxie. Fer shure. >:
I vote Pepto.
Wat be this.
I feel bad for the paper in your avatar. :( EDIT: Since the Scrubs fad came into existance. :s
What I want to know, is who the hell Dr. Roxas is. >: He/She seems vaguely familiar. Namechange? o_o?