...for lack of a better title. I'm not too good at chibis, but I think this one came out ok. I think his feet, eyes and hair need some fixing. I'm going to redo the hands too. I'd like to color it but cant decide whether to use GIMP or prismacolor pencils. CnC, please. He's supposed to be holding a Paopu fruit to put on a tree, instead of a star.
Yeah... I find it funny that people do this stuff. It's all so ridiculous.
It looks goos so far. Maybe make Kairi's(?) head lean toward Sora's more. Her eyebrow looks kind of thick for a girls IMO, try making it thinner.
Sora's had it since the beginning.
Tron: Worth it. Olympus Colleseum: Meh... Atlantica: Not worth it- those songs were soo retarted... Halloween Town: Worth it. Land of Dragons: Sort of... Port Royal: Sort of... Agrabah: Not worth it. Beast's Castle: That world kinda bored me... Disney Castle: Worth it Timeless River: Worth it Pride Lands: Not worth it Agrabah: Sort of
I agree. Well they just want to stop piracy so it can be a good thing...
He's supposed to be 15, same age as Sora. I guess he could be 1 if you look at it that way...
Use the recommended blueprints you get after finishing them. Use Highwind 6 if thats what you have.
Wow... Whats was a gun doing in plain view though? I hope your friend gets better.
The child's thumb is kind of big, so try making it smaller to make it blend with the rest of the hand. The mother's hand is too small for an adult, so try making that bigger to show the difference.
That's just ridiculous. Everyone over reacts to anything that they feel offended by.
:D *signed*
I laughed so hard when Sora said that. And when they thought Goofy was dead, they just ran away. I thought Goofy was one of Sora's best friends...
I ignore them. Sometimes I'll annoy them back.
VIRGO - The Perfectionist Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic. This is just about me, except im not dominant in relationships...I'm not too argumentive, and I'm not vey smart. And I don't think I'm pessimistic or harsh.
I agree with Orange. I don't think 179 is involved. The 2 could stand for members in the Org., maybe Axel and Roxas or the new member.
It's cute! The shading looks good, but it could use a gradient effect like cocohints said. The tree could use some shading too, and before coloring it go over the lines with a darker pencil so they stand out more.
'Got it memorized?' cause it's Axel's catchphrase ^^
It seems like this orange cant decide whether its Roxas or....an orange.
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