The shadow's leg on the right is bigger than the left, and the arm is bigger too. The dusks arm should be smaller, but you have the right idea there. The symbols look lopsided, straightening them out would look better. Otherwise, it looks fine.
That's just ridiculous. Seems that people have nothing better to do than point fingers. I have never heard of someone blaming video games like that. IMO He probably has never played any of the games he accuses either. If people play video games and kill people because of what they see in the game, then they have problems, and this guy shouldn't be blaming the whole video game community.
It's the part at the end of the key, that kind of looks like a crown. It's the opposite end of the handle.
I've made a keyblade but it wasn't Kingdom Key, so these are just the measurments I used. 40 inches in length(counting the handle) and about 12 inches across in the handle parts. The bottom part of the key can be about 10 inches across and and have 5-6 inches in height (coming off the key). The chain on the end can be about 12 inches. Hope it helps.
IMO Kairi is just a special girl who is a Princess. I think in the Secret Ansem reports Ansem refers to Kairi as 'the girl' or something along those lines, and I don't think that if she was his daughter he would refer to her like that.
Same here /fil./
We aren't abusing freedom of speech. Sure, some people say things that are extreme and such, but they have that right to say what they want. Taking freedom of speech away is an extreme act. If it's passed and enforced, it just proves that the country is run by corrupt leaders.
Welcome to the forum! Hope you have fun ^^
Wecome to the forums ^^ Hope you enjoy it.
Donald and goofy don't help me at all. They just run around behind me.
I really don't care if they change it or not, I'm satisfied with the colors for now.
lmao He looks so high.
The ears aren't aligned right with the rest of the face. Since the head is tilted to the left, the ears should be above the eyes. You have some shading, but try adding some more shading to the hair around the neck area. The body is too small for the head. Extend the shoulders more, and make his chest area larger to fit in. Depending on how big you make the body, there may not be room for arms.
Wow....It looks like someone had alot of spare time.... They have a nice TV xD
It's ok. IMO it's better then the other search engines I've used.
I'd like the power to manipulate things around me. I think it's called telekenisis or something like that.
Thanks ^^ /fil./
IMO they were created by DiZ along with the rest of the fake Twilight Town, and DiZ programmed them to think they were Roxas's friends.
Thanks ^^ I'll work on it.
3:14 pm in the US