He's not, the bald guy is Xeanhort.
The two drawings are very good^^ I'd like to see some more of your sketches. The first link doesnt work =/
My most irritating was the dragon... thing at the end of the game.
If you wanted to play with muliplayer and all the different members, or find out the story behind Riku, buy it. If not, I'd wait for BBS since it contributes more to the storyline.
After Sora defeated Ansem, the worlds were restored in the end.
I play guitar, piano and flute, and I sing.
White and this Italian bread... something like foccacia(?)
I hope it improves, since I never liked the damsel in distress role that all princesses (especially Disney princesses) are given. She has a weapon, now all she has to do is get better at using it. I think it would be great if you can play the game as Kairi. I'd like to see a playable girl character in a future KH game. Then they can save themselves instead of crying in a jail cell...
Have you ever played KH2? I don't wanna be de-rezzed =/
Hey, welcome to the forums! Hope you have fun ^^
With your noes. You said type 'With your noes', right? xD <------ I typed that with my nose ^^
Humanity will eventually end. Of course we can all hope it won't be in our lifetime, but who knows? If you look at the way we are polluting the Earth, and global warming, the end of humanity may be closer than we think. Maybe it will exist for 200 years more and such, and maybe it will die out. I agree with Misty about us blowing ourselves up. There are just so many weapons of mass destruction nowadays that any minute someone could decide to nuke America or any other country. No matter what, humanity will die out, but maybe another species will evolve.
Brings tears to my eyes...
lulz /.fil./
The Spamzone. I think it was in the Thread of Neverending Randomness.
I have about 2 friends on this site. My first friend was Namine_of_kh2, then Larxel_lover.... Thats about it =/
They look great! Riku's hair could be a little longer, but everything else is fine ^^
It's hard to choose. They all have awesome clothes. It's a tie for me, between Kairi and Aqua (in her armor).
I'd say mangos. Theyre sooo good ^^