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I go sometimes. I don't think many people have gone there in awhile since it had a problem awhile back.
Kingdom Hearts and ice cream ^^
Well, if it's not your pic, im very dissapointed, since it's a great drawing and stealing artwork is low. If it is your picture, then try shading in the coat and his hair so they stand out.
I want to go to Japan too...
Meh, I'm probably staying home. Nothing exciting besides seeing family.
It's supposed to be Halloween and Christmas like Kharna Jube said.
It sounds like a good idea, theres no harm in trying it out.
It depends on how sick they are. If they are depressed and have a negative way of seeing things, it drains thier energy so they may not have as much of a chance of surviving as someone with a postive look on things might. So really it heals the mental aspect of sickness, which could lead to physical healing.
It symbolizes the sunset in Twilight Town. But you never know, perhaps you may be right.
Welcome to the forums! Hope you have fun ^^
Hitler probably could've taken over Britan, if the US didn't enter the war. As for the US being a problem for the Axis, it depends on how much the Axis saw us as a threat.
His laugh was really creepy... I was so...relieved when I finished fighting him.
It looks ok, I wonder if it would be worth the buy though...?
Mentally, Riku changed the most. He does seem more mature. Physically, Sora grew the most, then Kairi, who isn't as... blah as she was in KH.
That would be sweet ^^ I'd like to see Org XIII LKed too.
Not bad! His head seems too small for his body, and his hair could be longer in the front. His head could also be more pointed. Some shading would add to the overall look of it. Also his right shoulder is smaller than the left, if you were trying to do an angle of some sort it would still be bigger. Try finding some good reference pictures to practice from, it'll help alot.
Same here. The holidays aren't the same if you're not at home.
There might be summoning, but as for who, I have no idea... Maybe Ven or Aqua?
Samaurai Deeper Kyo is good, and Naruto.