What else would Mario Kart 64 be on? O_________________________O
I thought you were an orange whore. >_> *I live in a giant bucket*
I play Pokemon TCG on the GBC. >_> My character's name is Darky. :3
Because of two spam posts. Yay me. ^^
Probably... er... Most likely Sora. He's so annoying. >_>
The 'gargoyles' ARE wyverns. >_>
That was so atrocious. The smilies are simply all over the place. The text not only sticks out like a sore thumb, but you spelled many words incorrectly. I suggest you BLUR that. *Merry Christmas*
Congrats. Now go **** a certain girl that --- [/shot]
There are many great CoM cards, notably: Jafar for pure attackers Oogie Boogie for healing Vexen for resurrection Wyvern (?) for invisibility However, the best one for me is Barrel Spider for its quickload, mainly for Sora.
You buy it at the dollar store and then you throw it in the trash.
I'm obsessed with my computer and my sister got me back into Maplestory...which I successfully quit for 6 months...until a month ago. -_-
Those who deserve to go to heaven are those who do actions that are good. It is an injustice for a criminal who believes in God to be able to commit illicit acts and still be admitted into heaven. I believe that non-Christians still deserve to be admitted into 'heaven' so long as they are good people at heart.
Is this Fire Emblem? I forgot. O_O REAL CnC please. If you don't know how, please refer to this thread: http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=12216 If you post crappy CnC, I will ask a mod to delete your posts. >_>
I remember this. XD
ugh, the grades are in. Spanish I - 103 A+ English I - 93 A- Reading I (wtf?) - 95 A Physical Science - 88 B+ Religion I - 93 A- Algebra I (someone get me out of this stupid class...) - 104 A+
The whiteness blends with this skin. >_>