is ur name katie lol XD
wtf? XD Another hint: it's longer than 6 letters
No. Katie?
Hey, I'm Raito-kun. REMEMBER ME!?!!? >3
Still no... ... No.
Oh em gee...hi there. :3
Emaria? ...Is that even a name? XD And no. My name starts with an A.
Oh...HELLL NO. Maria? XD
*facepalms* Epically wrong. ...uh... I got nothing. -_-
...Manna? *people know my name*
Seriously Zack, why did she have to say my name? xD
2/10 Sorry, but there just isn't much to it except for two pictures and some text. =\
What's sad about that little joke right there is that I can actually do that. >_>
So for Christmas, my family buys me this very nice looking computer. I was hoping it would be better than my current one, which my brother said it was. So I come home and unplug the cords and crap from my old computer and try to put them in my new computer. I plug in the mouse and the keyboard fine, but once I got to the screen... My screen doesn't plug in with my damn computer, so that ****ing sucked right there. I didn't that was the big deal because I can ask my brother for a new computer screen, which isn't too much of a hassle in my case. Next, I try the internet cord... That failed even worse. It doesn't go in the damn port. DX So yeah, my excitement just vanished for the Christmas Day. ^_^
The foreground and background effects don't coincide well with each other. Especially since the render is pretty 2D ish. Vector style this sig man. The foreground helps it. Just scrap the the background, maybe add the Cutout(?) filter to make it more vector-ish. =\
Guys, give REAL CnC. That's considered spam if you don't. ~~~ As opposed to the original, the colors blend...although it's grayscaled. OO; For coloring purposes, get rid of the blue smears or whatever they are. The C4D kind of sticks out like a sore thumb. That's not always good but it helps create flow. I think you should just add some negative space and blur some of that C4D for depth. >>
As you said to me: The negative space kills it. XD Not anything against you. Anyways, yeah, that's a little too much negative space. GREAT avatar though. ^_^ If you want some CnC on the actual tag, do tell, because I will.
Change your name to Le Darkymon o.o
Who the **** is no reality allowed?
Lick It Circular Uuuuoooh~