1. They have other projects to work on besides putting it in English. 2. Stop spamming.
If you would type correctly and use examples, we would be able to not only understand your question, but also be able to answer the question.
... >_>
You are such epic phail.
You do realize that MISH made the rules, right? heh.
Nice. xD
Are you afraid of sticky objects? If you know how I roll, you'll know what I mean.
I'll have the third one.
I can't help but laugh at how pathetic this is. But whatever, you just want to walk out on friends like that, go on ahead. ~Ryuuga
So what the staff favors popular people? BIG whoop. There's a reason some people are popular. The staff are only human. They can't catch every act that violates the rules. So they just HAPPEN to catch only regular members. BIG WHOOP. I don't know if you have the deduction skills to detect this but some of the 'popular' people who violate the rules are only doing it for small laughs and nothing more whereas other members are violating rules for reasons not acceptable. Speaking from a non-staff point of view, you fail to understand the magnitude of **** the staff has to deal with almost constantly: spammers, Redsonic and swordser alternate accounts, hackers, site issues, etc. They're not exactly in any position to deal with EVERY single damn problem. Cut them some slack. If you really wanted to express this, you could have done it in a more lighter tone instead of causing such a despicable debate.
This should get interesting.
Wow, you are SO behind. >_>
Nubcakes. .
D: Stop playing the guilt trip with me. ;~;
hmm... Nope, still don't get it.
... That's it. ^_^
The colors go well together and it flows well. However, use brighter colors for the clipping on your name. Add a C4D of the particle kind to help the flow. Lower Dialga some and maybe add a gradient map or two. Still loving it~
it's not alex XD you guys are kinda cold DX
No. Emmmmmmmmma?