Damn you, Trigger. xD
... o.o
Is it humping season yet?
... xD
You're only half right. The Oathkeeper represents the light, Kairi. The Oblivion represents the dark, not exactly Riku. Because Roxas was light and dark, that made him...as we commonly know as "twilight".
... O____O *bans*
Ven. I prefer speed over the other tactics.
It's Marth, silly. ;D ... Just kidding? O________O
If you haven't kicked a dog, then you're not evil.
Diet chips give you **** leakage. EDIT: No censorship...sweet~
... Okay then.
They're called crackers. ... just kidding.
1.) Were you attempting to spell Hinata? 2.) Where did you learn how to spell?
Mmmhmm. Now how does this make you feel?
Diet chips are bad for you.
...and I was about to eat. Ugh.
... <<;
... >_>
Ever consider changing your name to ~ ?
No it's not. It's a Kingdom Hearts game for the cellphone.