This part is actually very simple. In your deck, just put in all your keyblade cards and a few potions and just keep attacking.
I don't have one. ^_^
Please read Misty's "Rule of Thirds" thread in the Tutorials section. I'm not hating on the colors, since I really like to use B/W. The whole thing is really dull, and the render isn't so hot either. Try to avoid using DBZ renders, since they tend to be extremely 2D and very difficult to use. I'm not in any position to criticize your text, since I'm REALLY bad at it, but don't make it stick out so much. Dude, LOSE the border. Sorry for the bad CnC, but it's just too plain.
Which one should I use? Lol, I overuse the FF13 Versus stock. <<;
I lol'd when I first saw this thread. A bad replication of one of my older works.
By being a faggymon.
Naruto Pokemon Bleach Claymore Hamtaro -_- btw, nice second sig <<;
I always film it. ;D
What's a Cin? o.o
Change it to ~
The first one is very nice, though the text ruins the flow. Just place it somewhere that's not on the...lotus? xD The second one doesn't flow very well. A focal like that should have some different effects used, maybe some softer and more vector-ish effects. There's a huge lack of FG effects.
I wonder if people here know some of us as our adoptee names.
I love it. The...pentooling(?) really disturbs me though. Spread it out instead of keeping it close like that. I'm not sure if it would help, but add some lighting next to the dude's head to the left-ish or so. One last thing... Use your sexy texting on there. =D
I managed to
...Family Guy is a cartoon. -_-
The only reason why it's hard to work with a stock like that is that it's very 2D. But if you'd like me to, I'll try it.
Life is overrated.
Rep is overrated.