*Goes off to find Pai and Taru-Taru* >=D What the....? Taruto? *Cough* Pedophile. *Cough* B-But Purin wanted me to do it. ;_; ...And Pai? Retasu. :]
I'm about 5'5". I'm about 2" taller than my sister who's about 4 years older than me. xD People think we're twins. ...I wish I was shorter, everybody mistakes me for a 15-year-old (Maybe younger or older, not always 15. ;S). ;_;
Tee hee, yep! *Huggles Kisshu* Aren't they so kawaii? :D
Let it Be by Groove Coverage ... I always seem to post when my song changes. o.o;;; Groove Coverage - Last Unicorn
Someone's a Ryou fangirl... :p Oh, hi MysterySoldier! :D
Groove Coverage - Force of Nature The song changed on meh again! D8 Groove Coverage - God is a Girl (Album Version)
Heh... Fine. *Takes off shirt as well* Teh hee, he doesn't look much different cos he doesn't wear much of a shirt anyway. :p
*Turns toward Kisshu* :3 *Sigh* She's insane, I'm sure... -.- Heh heh... could be. :3
Sora as Ryou! XD I'm sooo hyper today~ 8D
I gotta go now... byebye! :]
Turn him into Taru-Taru~! 8D Hey... only Purin can call me that! Oh shut up! D8<
OMG GERMAN WTF. D8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEL_GJxbQ_o *o* Retasu + Pai 4 eva! *Takes in deep breath* Mew mew amichi vintenci!! I don't even think you remember the words right. -.-
Hi guys~!! 8D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcx5krCWphA Just in case you haven't seen it. I made it for my friend and uploaded it onto her account. :]
-_- Ichigo, you're never singing in Italian again!! I don't think I want to. :p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7azkR-w7FR0 This is probably the funniest TMM parody I've ever seen. XDDD
I wonder what "Amiche Vintenci" means. O.o Time to sing~! 8D Mew Mew! Amiche vintenci... I don't know the rest..............
Good morning everybody! : D I've decided to start watching Mew Mew Power so I can make fun of it even more. 8D By the way, here's part of episode 52 in Italian. I think their Italian voices fit pretty well... except for Kisshu/Quiche, his voice is too deep for him. :p http://youtube.com/watch?v=KWfjtEq5ZFo
XD Yeah, that's what I thought. And I don't have a MySpace to follow some trend, I have it because it's easier to "talk" to my friends who I don't get to see anymore.
XD Guys, I just watched episode 1 of Mew Mew Power (AFTER watching the whole Tokyo Mew Mew series and reading all of the mangas), and this somehow became my catchphrase while watching it: "WTF!!!?! That's nowhere near what happened!!! Oh! My! God!!!! 'Mew-tamorphosis'?!?!?!" It really was that bad. -.- I'm gonna watch more so I can laugh at it. 8D ...But now, I have to go to bed...
Mostly Ichigo and Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew and Lucia from Mermaid Melody (Pichi Pichi Pitch). n_n
>_> <_< (I'm making sure no ones looking. ;O) Maybe~ This was my reaction: "KISSHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! TTTTT_TTTTTTT" But then, I was happy after the next episode. :D http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tcx5krCWphA Here's my new AMV. (It's on my friend's account, by the way.)