Nyeh, sorry you had to come in during this, Demyx-chan. ^^;;;;;; I'm Ichigo, the "free spirit" of the family. n.n
B4c, I joined your forum. nwn At least I got something done now. >.> (On my project.)
Yes. >.> I'm weird when I procrastinate..... I'm procrastinating too much... I really should get my homework done...
Pssssssssssttttttt~ *Whispers* Guys, I have a new forum. ^w^ *Normal voice* Back to my project...
Hmm, I wanna make my own kadaj fam sig. :] But it'll be my profile pic, since I can't fit anymore in my sig and I like it the way it is. xD But first I gotta finish my project... which I should be doing right now... ._.;;;
Muskrat's gone. Anyways, I gotta work on my project, so I probably'll be on, just not doing anything on the site very often till I finish. ;S
Muskrat!!! *Picks me up like a groom does with a bride* *o* *Hides with me in the closet* :o Stupid muskrats~
Yes, putting off my homework is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn~ *Looks around* >.> I think you're supposed to sing now. -.- You sing too! D:< Earth, Wind, Water & Fire Can't get in the way, when I'm running to you 'Cause I would ride through stormy weathers Just to show you how much I love you I love your eyes, love your smile, love your funky hair I love your walk, love your talk, and the things you dare Love you, love you, yes I do Love me not, or love me too Honey, honey, peek-a-boo, I'm in love with you Come, baby, tell me what you wanna do Maybe we could get together soon Baby, see the fire in my eyes Yeah, you got me hypnotized Earth, Wind, Water & Fire Can't get in the way, when I'm running to you 'Cause I would ride through stormy weathers Just to show you how much I love you I love candy, I love sweets, maybe ice cream too gummi-bears and chocolate-hearts make me think of you Open, open Sesame I've got goodies, come and see Honey, honey, peek-a-boo, I'm in love with you Come, baby, tell me where you wanna go Maybe Paris, maybe Tokyo Lady, see the fire in my eyes Yeah, you got me hypnotized Earth, Wind, Water & Fire Can't get in the way, when I'm running to you 'Cause I would ride through stormy weathers Just to show you how much I love you Now you guys sing! 8D
It's onee-sama!!! : D *Hangs onto her leg before she gets away* xD Happy Mother's Day, Darksmile-chan. ^-^
My parents are in Italy, so I can't celebrate Mother's Day. And I'm trying to finish my science project. :S
I misseded you b4c~!!! : DDDD *Hugs* How are you?
xD Yep, it'd really suck if he heard it from someone else.
VGN is an abbreviation for VideoGameNerd246. Oh, and thanks~ :)
I know, I should, but it's really nerve-racking (sp?). Plus, he's not online right now.
No, he doesn't. You guys are the first people on this site I've told... She said she didn't wanna be married on the forum anymore. (XD I'm having Kisshu talk for me since this is nerve-racking (sp?) to talk about.)
Erm... well........................................................................................................................... She's horrible when it comes to saying things like this. :| I don't really want to be married to VGN anymore. ._.;;; I have no clue why... I just don't....
Heh heh, I'm good. ^_^ Erm, you guys know I'm married, right? Erm... I don't know how to say this, so I thought I'd talk to you guys first...
XD I got back on Friday, so.... "Moshi moshi all~! :D"
Hi guys! I'm back! Though I should be working on my science... :p I gotta talk to you guys about something...
...I don't know. O_o;;; Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm Kisshu, Ichigo's hiding partner, and I'm a guy... :S This girl talk stuff is torture! X_X