I think so. ^.~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr9BGL1Tm24 ...Kisshu, Pai.... are you guys.... okay? O.0 No comment. -.-
I'm good. ^_^ I still feel like posting random vids. ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB6_Mjy2rts *o* Look at all those effects. <3
Hiya. ^.^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqDof7liQD0 More vids! 8D *Is bored and hyper*
Hiya guys! n.n My WMM still won't work, and it turns out that the movie maker I was gonna download had the wrong link. >.< So I'm still stuck.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl6sbONmZts I feel like posting vids. :3
Kyah! Still have writer's block! The worst part is, is that I know exactly what happens next and I have no clue how to word it! >.<''''' Here's the story so far if you're willing to help. ;_; Introduction: There are five princesses in the world. They seem innocent and ordinary (they believe that too) but they are not. Together, they have the power to defeat an evil force threatening the earth. Ichigo – Princess of the sun. Happy, upbeat, and energetic, Ichigo loves to have fun and try new things. Minto – Princess of the stars. Though sometimes arrogant, Minto is graceful and elegant and has a love for anything beautiful. Retasu – Princess of the ocean. She is shy, kind, and gentle, and is worried easily. Purin – Princess of earth, stone, and plants. Constantly hyper and energetic, Purin wants to be happy and for others to be happy as well. Zakuro – Princess of the moon. She is mysterious and sometimes cold, but is kind deep inside of her heart. Chapter 1 ~ Ichigo’s Dream : “Where… am I?†Ichigo asked, though there was no one else in sight that could hear her. This wasn’t the first time she had been here. It had happened many times before. She would be lying in her bedroom, when suddenly, everything became completely pitch black. Then, the walls would turn into mirrors. At first, her reflection would appear as her normal self, but suddenly, her reflection would appear as a cat. Then, other reflections appeared near her; one of a bird, one of some type of sea creature, one of a monkey, and one of a wolf. Ichigo was petrified by the sight of herself as a cat. “What if I stay like this… forever?†she would think. “Ichigo, Ichigo! Good morning!†Ichigo jumped out of bed. It was her mother. She rushed up to the mirror. “Phew! I’m not a cat,†she whispered to herself. “Hmm? What did you say?†her mother asked. “Oh! Nothing, I just woke up from a strange dream.†Ichigo finally was fully awake. “Well, I’ll see you at breakfast.†Her mother left the room. “Why do I keep having this weird dream?†Ichigo thought to herself. Ichigo opened the window and stared outside. She stared out at the massive amount of land surrounding her home, and then back into her room. Though it had been so for what seems like forever, Ichigo still could not believe she was a “princessâ€. “I still get lost in this castle…†Ichigo thought. “I better go downstairs to eat breakfast,†Ichigo said to herself. She ran downstairs into the kitchen. Chapter 2 ~ An Arranged Marriage? : Later, Ichigo was having a conversation with her mother. “Today, you’re meeting your betrothed,†her mother told her. “Great!†Ichigo replied, while thinking, “Oh great, an arranged marriage with a guy I don’t even know.†“I think you’d like him,†her mother assured her, able to tell that Ichigo did not like the idea of an arranged marriage. There was a long silence “Maybe you should get dressed…†“Okay, I will!†She kissed her mother on the cheek and ran back upstairs to her room to get ready for the long day ahead. Ichigo came downstairs after getting dressed. “This is going to be a long day,†she thought. “Ichigo, you look great!†her mother complimented her as she came into the room. “Are you ready to go?†Ichigo sighed. “Uh-huh.†They left the castle and walked for what seemed like forever. Then, they finally arrived at another huge house. They knocked on the door, and a tall woman answered. “Hello!†she greeted them cheerfully. “You must be Ichigo and Sakura Momomiya.†“Yes,†her mother replied. “I’m Mrs. AoyamaMasaya’s mother.†“Nice to meet you,†Ichigo said timidly. A boy that was Ichigo’s age walked into the room.
Nyeh, like this one better. X3 Still having writer's block... >.>;;
I think I'll go with this one. ;3 I'm having writer's block... >.<''''''
I'm deciding to try a new font. :3 I like my text color, but I wanna try a new font... X3 Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Ichi~ Yeesh, we have a lot of fonts. o_o
I know we're awesome, Forsaken-sama. 8) I hate exams, but thank God I have no written homework this week!
Wow, you're really pretty. (: You look around 14. Shadow: That sounds pervy.... xD
No destruction? ;_;
Almost everybody spells my name wrong. :p First off they call me "Namine". 2 things about that: It's "Naminé". :P And, I said "Call me Ichigo". >_<;;;
Only VGN and... someone else who I'm not naming... have flirted with me. :p (Sadly, it's a different story at school. >.<''' Boys at my school are so immature, too...)
xD Look what you've done, onee-sama's gonna bring her spoons of doom!!! >8D And I will throw popcorn at you guys while we wait for onee-sama. :3
What's wrong with being too nice? :p
I are confuzzleded. :| How many people are running? *Tries to count but can't* ........ (By the by, Onee-sama, I changed my hiding partner (I was reading the first page of the family out of boredom), I hide with Kisshu now. :p)
Onee-sama is right, teh shmexy muffin man left our happy flock a long time ago... :p EDIT: You didn't leave? O.o
Shweetness. :3
I call some of the staff members "<insert user name here>-sama", but not superior. :S Kind of how I call Jade Rhade "Jade onee-sama"...
................? O.o What do you mean by that?