No soy un latino, pero hablo espanol (pero no es perfecto...). ;3
You're not the only one. xD *Looks around and realizes that she's considered the one who watches weird animes that almost nobody else has heard of* o.o;;; Yeah, I thought I was the only one who noticed too. ;P
Arigato, they were getting annoying. I didn't mind the whole marriage thing, but it was getting out of hand.
Hola. Er..... Me gusta cantar...? xD
For a paint sig, it looks really good! :)
Hello guys! I ish back! ;D What's up? I'm guessing I missed a lot.
I'm back~ *Is late to say this because she's been busy after she got back* @(a name I can't remember...) Well, I was leaving for a bit, I could've sworn this is where that sort of stuff was supposed to be.
I'm going to Disney World. ;D But just for the weekend. My mom's going on a business trip in Orlando and her hotel's in Disney World, so she's taking us. I'm leaving in a few minutes or a bit less than an hour. ^_~
I'm gonna go play Wind Waker, byebye guys. (;
I was bored enough to ask you guys this. xD Basically, just random words or expressions that nobody else (or nobody else that you know) says... "Kya!" "Nya!" "Nyan?" "Cripes!" "Nyehh...." "Wuahhhhhh!" I probably would post some others, but I forgot them... ;P
Here comes a long list of special Ichi expressions. ;D "KYAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" (Don't ask... xD) "NYAAAAAAAA!!!!" (Don't ask... xD) "MY GOD!!!" "CRIPES!" (Don't ask... xD) "WHAT?!?!" "IDIOT!!!!" "GEEZ!!!" (Don't ask... xD) "Oh. My. God." "CRAAAP!!!" "Darn it!" "Shoot!" "Wuahhhhhhhhh!" (Don't ask... xD) "OHMIGOSH!!!/OHMIGOD!!!" "*Complete silence. ;P*" I don't swear unless I'm just acting silly with my friends. (;
Sorry I disappeared, I changed clothes. Yeah, she had a field day today and she wore *snicker* boys' clothes! XD o_o;;; Sadly... *Ish in girls' clothes now* Happy birthday Mood-kun! : D I've played Twilight Princess before, but sadly I only rented it. ;_; I was stuck on the part where he was (SPOILER) a wolf and looking through the town for a shield for Midna. (SPOILER OVER) I've been playing Wind Waker a lot, though (I know it's weird, but I just bought it! I used to rent it all the time though...) I'm stuck in the "Temple of The Gods", and I messed up so I can't get to the boss anymore. >.<''' So now I'm just sailing to random islands and acting stupid. ;D
You have fun doing that. -.-;;
Oh, I was just wondering. ^_^ I've heard of Prince of Tennis but I haven't watched it, but I thought "Is that Prince of Tennis?"
Hiya, iC. ^.^ Which anime is your avvie from?
Poor Forsaken-kun. :'( *Hugs* She's definetely not worth it if she did that... what a jerk! >:O
Moshi moshi, guys! ^_^ Me and Kisshu are really happy today... ...Because it's finally summer! : D
Today was my last day, too. ^-^ I have too many plans for summer to name... ^_^;;;
I misseded you, Foxxie! :'( You're back!! : D
Gyahh...! My laptop has to get fixed YET AGAIN. Now I'm on my home computer... I hate when my computer messes up, I think it hates me. >.<''' Well... at least I know what was wrong with my WMM.... :S