I dont know anyone who bought it... xD
That just seems lame... no offence...
^indeed <was a social outcast for a year or so, but has rejoined people I like and talk socially again Vis a meat pie...
RvB was great for the first ten or so eps, but then it got repeatative and lame. Just my opinion.
Seph was easy in KH2, KH1 is where it took effort. But the hardest was Heartless Riku, in the room of the final keyhole. But i guess thats cause i was a stupid kid back then and the gerneral tactic was to go head first and never learn from my mistakes, took about two weeks... yeah.
Sora triple weilds? and I mean with one in a hand and two in the other, that'd be mad >:3
I'm a guy but I don;t mind yaoi. I think its rather funny to a certin extent.
With a giant potato...
Okay, thanks a bunch
I've been writing short stories and dunno what to call this certin period of time. So can any one please help?
First of all I'd like to say i didn't make this. just found it on youtube and it just about made me cry. Sorry if you've seen it but I'd like to share it anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G-G5nAEypw&mode=related&search=
^is wong <finds them lame Vis amazed this game is still going
-Gameboy -Nintendo 64 -Playstation 1 -Playstation 2 -Playtation portable
I kinda feel sorry for Riku. Hiding for most of them games stroyline cause he was ashamed of what he became and yet he was still helping Sora with all his power. And it was clearing emotional for him to meet Sora and Kairi as xehanorts heartless, heck, he even introduced himself to DiZ as to keep helping his mates.
Well sterotypes go really really too far, thats all I'd care to say.
Geez, a lot of you sure hate the characters so why even play the game?
Okay, from what most of you are saying, i guess that none of you have had a point made out to you through physical abuse.
There you go Cin [yet you turn around and say "Rap has mindless lyrics", ]. I sterotyped and i hate it. I know is done everywhere by everyone and I did say i did it in the first post, but im saying I hate it so much. And alot of it appears to be discrimination as far as i see. Such as someone being asian so automaticly they eat rice and noodles, wemon can't do the same jobs as men and wogs a revheads. Its so stupid to generalize people in such stupid ways. And again, I know I sterotype. Eveyone does, anyoone who says otherwise is lying.
Yay this is great, FFIX was my favorite too :3
Why are so many people tyhat i know, and even those i don't just like to randomly saw "meow"?