Zero taste, all suger.
YAY ITS OVER!!! Personally I thought it was majorly repeadative.
Thier all horribe except "What I've Done" so I took a random jab.
You need to downgrade your PSP to 1.5 then upgrade to from 3.01oeA to 3.30oeC. Thats custom firmware. When looking for a downgrader BE CAREFULL! theres a lot of fake stuff that can destroy your PSP. Oh and after you have the custom firmware, you need to convert your ISO into an eBoot format and then stick that into the psp/games folder.
^doesnt know what they are <is lazy to type propperly today Vhates me for it
After Hojo's experiments with Survivors of the thing with Seph in Tifa's town(forgive me I haven't played in years) Zack who was immune to the experiments (cause he was in SOLDIER) escaped with Cloud (cause Cloud was his friend) But SHINRA cought them and killed Zack and left Cloud for dead cause they thought Cloud would just die seeing the state he was in. Clouds JENOVA cells then mimiced Zacks personaliry and memories and merged with with Clouds. Thus creating the jerk know today as Cloud.
Just some people i was talking to on the internet. But I know heaps of people with ear rings and just wanted to know, hence the thread.
If you ask me, Linkin Parks new ablum is a sellout. Before all their songs were great. They were about actual things and were very meaningful. AND THEY NEVER SWORE! Minutes to midnight screams sellout in my face. Out of all the new songs, I only like What i've done.
Just showing my hate for Linkin Parks new songs and that Guano Apes will always be on the top of my list.
Guess not...
Me and my mate went fishing and like, we're completely noob fishermen. We decited to have a little contest. Who ever catches the most win, simple as that. He caught a fish and it really swallowed the hook deep and it wouldn't let go. He stood there for about 15 minutes saying he was going to kill it and get his hook back. After that it was about 30 minures of complaining about how he couldn't bring himself to kill it and that it was just a stupid fish. Then he talked about the thousands of monsters and people his killed in games and that he couldn't kill one simple fish. This ever happen to anyone else, or something similar?
I have 3 on my left ear lob. I think thats how you spell that.
Poke it in the eye...
Buy new ones?... Don't listen to me I'm an idiot >:3
Don't listen to me. I clealy have no idea what im on abour >:3
O_O... well they could have just edited the bloody scenes like what they did in digimon.
Your dream can come true. Just don't have too much faith in staying a memeber here... Other then that everything looks good =p
Pokemon has gotten out of hand. I just found out the other day from mu little brother that there are 9 series O_O
I never said i was sad, not at the moment <<
I loved it as a kid... When I tried rewatching it as I am older, it just seems like 3 episods of talking about how great they are, then 5 episodes of fighting then 50 episodes of powering up, then some more fighing, then some one will transform and so on...