I see what you mean but to me, drawing something on paper then Photoshoping it seems cheating in ways. Unless the whole thing was in PS. Thanks for the feedback though.
Thanks all that school work has pushed out the important stuff right out of my brain xD And i now the photo looks bad, it really does look better on paper and the face thing was just me being lazy.
Any one who's extremely lazy would be me =D
I don't get whats meant to happen here. =\
Awwww you took my kill.
This is my first serious drawing in near 8 months so I'm completely off my game. Just want to know what people think of it. Its a picture of my character in the game Monster Hunter http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/62081690/ I personally think it's horrid but I'm trying to get better again.
I look like Riku cause I'm a guy with long girly hair =D
^ Not sure if I've ever seen that person before. =\
Explain to me your definition of "emo".
*Yawn, scraches arse, then yawns again*
The movie was rather lame. Just my meaningless opinon.
There was a sexual preditor on World of Warcraft. But hey, what can you do?
BY overthrowing the orginazation he may gain control of it and thereby becoming the boss. Then he can sit around like a jerk why Demyx is being bullied. Or he may alternatively become the boss of the organazation as to gain the power of Kingdom Hearts for his own selfish needs.
Bad lands from Jak 3. If you look in the older pages of this thread everyone says sushi in relation to me.
The Simpsons episode with the lemon tree.
I don't know a single "emo" wallowing in self pitty, dispite their dark look they all seem happy.
Aside from posers and such on the internet, who has actually had an "emo" come and sit down next to them and go "Look at me Look at me, life is pain, I can't handle it anymore"?
Yes lets blame games for our problem with games. Makes all the sence in the world. xD
Did anyone else notice how Rikku's level of intelligence seemed to decrease in FFX-2?
Everyone seems to like a good hentai <_<