Didnt for me either but im pretty sure i know what picture his talking about
Its already been confirmed that its not a heartless or nobody or anything we've see before
I havent watched anime in so long >>
I hate Naruto
I hate Aeris, shes annoys me for some reason =\
Have you tired opening your PSP to see if the screen inside looks like either of them?
Now you can have relations with the maid >;3
I think itd be really cool if that add young Auron , Jecht and Braska >:3 and the whole Aurons past thing
Step 1 think of subject not yet used step 2 make step 1 step 3 make step 2 step 4 get confused step 5 listen to some Sandra Nasic step 6 repeat step 4 step 7 blame someone else step 8 start again
I ate charcoal chicken today and it was pretty good =D
You should keep registration emails. Hopfully you don't forget that password too unless you use auto log in stuff like me =S
Sandra Nasic - Counting Trees
I use the same password for everything so if you know that you can get into anything of mine =P
Also i guess your put with different people that you wouldn't normally talk to and tada new friends >:3
I lost half my friends cause of different subjects =S
I spent hours customizing my own ships xD it was great fun
30399 Far away from the computer and hooked on monster hunter 2. I need to keep away from that addictive game :S
Thanks and yeah i was kinda bored and half asleep and already in the spam zone.
30395 long time no see rain god im bored =(
I sure as hell hope they don't pull a FF8 on us with something as unique to the series like the junction is to the FF series. God I hated the hours of drawing required, not that the junction is completely had. I gave a whole new and cool system but just don't make it that tedious.