the lion king! i watched that movie so many times when i was a toddler! in fact it was the only movie i watched! god knows how many times i watched it!
happy birthday
1. cascada (their musi rocks!) 2.lifehouse chemical romance thery all rock!
Omfg Are U Alright?
i would say im addicted
nice job! oh and happy thamksgiving!
i usually would say female
kay pasa??????????
yays u win! *gives cookie*
i dont think the twilight series is mainly targeted towrds girls... mai friend luvs the books. he made me read a few pages . it twas all right
now its time to........ TAKE THIS KNIFE AND SLASH MAI SKIN, SLASH MAI SKIN, SLASH MAI SKIN! TAKE THIS KNIFE AND SLASH MAI SKIN! EMO X EMO!:guns: Trick question: am i emo? 1st person to answer correctly gets a free cookie!
ooooooo. my bro beat that game like 10 times fosho!
ok then i luv to draw so thats y i asked:P btw destimy star i luv ur naruto chibi but i dont no how to adopt one
username:khcrazy101 render: dont no watcha mean? text:kagome font:any backround you dicide picture of: kagome higirashi one last thing... the siggys u already made are so awsome. i dont think u need to worry bout other ppl making fun of them, u rock!
im artistic...can i join?
bai bai birdie
bai roxma have fun at band camp thingy
~bai~ strange person that i dont really no! just kidding have fun on vacation