christmas! that the ultimate holiday for me! ya neva no watchya gonna get! i hope i get a video camera this year!=)
aw..... that must suck:(
hm.... im unique cuz i have a weird personallity. ppl think im weird cuz im always quiet and never talk.but thats cuz i dont wanna git in trouble w/ da teachers. when im at lunch w/ mai homi's im so outgoing i'll do just about anything. i would scream random things. go up to random ppl and say something random. and no i dont have torettes. thats wats unique bout me!=P
i would want the ability to read minds and to fly! i know thats kinda old school type power thats very common on tv shows, but it would be cool to see wat ppl are thinking and to glide through the air!
thx for the comment. i should of patched up a few things b4 i posted it shouldnt i. but thx. i definatly will try that next time!=D oh and thx 4 ur coment to mastersword900=D
thankyou i think kagomes face looks weird to
i no watchya mean
i drew this while looking at a picture i wanted to see if i could draw it. any good?
thx. and yeah we both are named amber. we new eachother for over 8 years =D im the one in the pink but im the youngest by a month
im not sure if this is the right section for this but i think it is.i was bored so i decided to make a picture for mai friend think she'll like it?
i think its pretty good. well done for 5 minutes
its 8:17 in florida
dats wat i said, lolz. but that is true life does suck. wats the point of being punished when ya just gonna die in about 40 years
i think roxas is 15
thats a good point...
the point of life is to live and to die thats it.
hi welcome to kh-vids. postlots and have fun
well i pick sailor moon
i have all the consoles except the ps1 & ps3. the recent one that i got was the wii. but im planning to get video camera, so i can make a webcast show w/ mai friends. i already got a name for the show.:p
i have some experience with this kinda stuff my best friend got stolen from me too.dont let the 2 ppl that are trying to steal ur friend get to u... just ignore watever they do. try to b their friend. thats wat i did. and now i dont care who steals mai friends. because later on it turns out that we all become friends!lolz