For Meh A great sig maker aaaaaaaaand Forum family member who likes to talk backwards!!! xD For Rachel A person I don't really know but looks really nice ;)
The first one looks extrememly beautifull! To say the thruth I don't see anything wrong about it. The effects are great as well as the background, good job ;) The second one is good as well but it doesn't beat the first one since the lighting effect on the left makes the image a bit blurry. The text it's a bit hard to see again but other than that it looks great. The third one looks good too but, once again, it looks too dark but vivi's eyes makes it better since they are yellow and they glow in the darkness. The text can be seen clearly too. :D Well I don't have much more to say since I'm not an expert at making sigs. All I can say is that you've been improving a lot since the first sig I saw. Don't ever quit at making them! Keep up the good work!!:action-smiley-030:
That doggy is so cute!! =3 I really want a dog....
Oh! Thank you for the tips!!! :D And mostly for liking the hands which I think they look...Weird? xDD Thanks again! =D Thank you Thank you!! =D Oh you think just like my father about the shading xDD I should have listened to him...xD
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD GO CtR!!!! We're cheering for you!!!
xD lol I think you already know don't you? xD xD xD
CtR CtR CtR!!!! vOTE voTE voTE vOTE!!!! =3
YOU heard hiM!! Everyone who hasn't voted please do so!!! Help CtR win as the best member!!! ;)
Oh hi there Goimez!! A new sig I see! thank you!! Wheee!! I love this new sig!!!
*eats cookies* thank yoU!!! *hugs* k Rax!! I hope you have fun in that party! C ya!!! :)
Cookie cookie cookie!! Cookies are GUD!! xD
HI KAIRI! *hugs* I'm super dupper fine! thanks for asking! What about you?
I'm fine and bored! xD What about ya? :)
HIIIIIIIIII!!! What's up?! Oh! hi TCO!! :D
HI there!!! Welcome to KH-vids!! I hope you enjoy your stay here!! DOn't forget to read the rules, post a lot and be an active member! ;)
Aww...that looks bad...:( but don't worry, you maybe moving but I'm pretty sure you'll see your friends again ;) OH!! you're parents look so kind and they quote like KH characters!! xD My dad just did the same 2 days ago...He was mad at me and he was like 'You!! GO TO BED! NOW!!! Got it Memorized?' xD
Oh...that's quite a big coincidence...xD lol just made 15 years on 5th August :D
That looks really cool!! *thumbs up* The effects are great! I...really don't see anything wrong with this one! ;) don't have words to describe this...this is like...THE BEST VID I'VE EVER SEEN!!! Guys you did an astonishing job! I'm still on shock!! That was really really really great! ;) question...can you please tell me which video editing program you used? :D
Hi and welcome to the forums!! Don't forget to read the rules, post a lot, and most important of all, have fun!:lol2: