Oh...My school starts on 16th September! YAY!! xD ...My summer vacations are almost over...-__-' xD
lol This looks like a 'Jack' competition xD Er...I prefer Jack Sparrow :D
That one looks really good! ;) The only thing I think you should change a bit is the lightning effect on the top, it makes the sig too bright. Oh! And like Darkwatch said, you should get rid of the text. Other than that I think it looks really cool! So much better than I could have made! ;)
You're in the middle because I know you for a long time silly!! xD D= you didn't like it? Sowy if I did something wrong...
I think it's pretty good but I think you should have used another black pen to draw her hair because that line it's a bit large...the legs are a bit unporpocional too but I'm not the perfect person to say this to you since I, too, make the legs in my draws a bit unpropocional xD. Other than that I think that draw is really good! ^^ Oh! I specially like the detail on her shirt. OH! And the hands! the hands!! You draw them better than me....xD
Lol xD it's the same order I got my Kingdom Hearts games xD Coincidence....xD
I'll join!!! :D Name: Luna Age: 8 months Mother and father: Lupi and Aeneas Personality: Luna is a really shy wolf. she's also a bit nervous and doens't like people to always pet her. Appearance: Luna is a silver wolf, with bright blue eyes and of course sharp fangs xD Rank: Pup Other: none
Oh! It's an RP! Cool! Maybe I'll join...Ok ok I'll join xD xD
I barely know you but I don't hate you!:glomp: like CtR said, there are a lot of members in here so, it's normal that you're not noticed. lol y'know...that was used to happen to me a lot when I was new on the site xD lol you'll see that as the time passes you won't be ignored. Now don't be sad or feel bad for that ok? It's normal ;)
Oh! xD that was quick!! xD xD OMG! That bad guy shot him! NOOOOO! Y'know...this story is getting really interesting...Keep it up buddy! ;) I'm waiting for the next chapter!
What you said on msn about your story is...well...IS A LIE! A LIE!! It's not dumb!! I actually really like it!! it'm my kind of stories! With suspanse! I dunno why this didn't recieved any reply earier...;)
Hello and welcome the Kh-vids. I hope you enjoy your stay on the forums. Don't forget to read the rules and follow them as well, post a lot and have fun. Any question, you can always ask to me or someone on this site. ;)
Valeria was a bit confused when she caught sight of her freinds. "Guys! Guys! I'm sorry...I always get lost...I hope you guys didn't need need my help when I was lost..." She lowered her head. "I'm really sorry..."
OMG OMG OMG!!! xD xD xD xD I don't hate Sora, I actually really like him, but man!! THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!! xD xD xD LOOOL That sound when he got punched...xDDDDDDD It remembered me of a bear!!! xD xD MAN! I almost swallowed my chewing gum!!! xD xD
Oh yes you are Meh! How could I forget about The One Who Talks Backwards question mark exclamation mark xD
I really liked that vid it was great!! I wished my windows movimaker let me put music on my vids... Oh by the way...I sent you a comment on youtube ;)
Ya welcome!!! :D:D:D:D heh...this took a while to answer...xD
LOL this is so funny! xD LOL I can't believe Alice's nose poked my eye...xDDDD
Oh really? Thanks! *hugs* Let me see...hmm...AH! Meh is also a person who likes to talk like this: "Capital I am Meh comma nice to meet you all excalmation mark" xDDDDD I admire this writting form xD