Welp, let me be the first to welcome you here! Just post a lot, read the rules and stay active. Everyone around here is pretty cool, so you'll have fun. Hope to see you around sometime!
I think it turned out pretty good. It's not as bad as you said it was going to be.
I should get going as well. I've got some things to do. Sleep well when ya head thataway. Ja ne. *hugs all and poofs*
Awez, well bye byez~! See you tomorrow/later!! *wavewave* T^T
-Emu-chan- T.T
Sorry, I forgot ^^; Free Hug Friday/Saturday~!!!
*holds out banana* I give you the one Emu-chan was supposed to eat for one~!!!
Tell her we say hi? Free Hug Friday~!! *huggles everyone* It's Fridays that make me miss school =[ *shoots self*
Beast and the Harlot - Avenged Sevenfold
*slips on banana peel* Why does everyone hate me? We dun hate you.. We love torturing you ^^ -Roxas_is_Hot- Awe. I miss my grandma.
Noo~, not me~!!! *run, run aways* >D
ZOMG It's Michael Jackson! Run, run away~!
Siren-chan ish back again~!! *tackleglomps*
Entirely sure. *insert evil laughter here*
YES~! *wrote the note* It isn't poisoned =O
And here I thought this world was a cruel one~! T.T I ish excited.
Welcome back to you too Hey, Noxy. How are ya? I saw Charlie~ Aren't they supposed to be making a second one?
Welcome back, then~
Seize The Day - Avenged Sevenfold
Charlie plays tricks on me >.<