Awe, no!! I can't do that~
Very nice, very nice. I'll be in and out a while.
Yesh, do be careful, Demyx... *heartless laughter* O.o;
Awez, bye byez, Emu-chan! -Siren-chan- You saw Transformers? Macie ish jealous!! Demyx~ Siren-chan brought you bananas~ YAY~! *attacks bananas*
So.. What exactly should I do now. Shoot without a script >D
*ish glomped* HII~! How are you all doing? -khchick- Oh, okay. He might, if I persuade him. So, Vinniecent, you up to being khchick's yojimbo for a while? Like I have anything else to do...
...Did I miss a lot?
Gaara ish prettay. >.> Okay now I'm leaving.
Maybe, if I'm up to it.
Ja ne, guys.
I dunno. I'd like to spend it with Zexion. He's not loud, and we just sit while reading books. *shrug*
I dunno, I'm enjoying it ^^
Starbucks is on every floor and corner!! :cheers: *slaps Tidus* I take offense to that.
Don't make Kairi scream again >.> Starbucks~
I think it looks good, cuteness-wise ^^ It does kinda look like you now that I think about it.
Finally someone agrees with me. -_-
Violence is yummeh. *throws Holy Water on Tidus for no reason*
True, true. But I kinda had an urge to be immature right there. When aren't you immature? *covers head* Good point.
*shields eyes from Sephy* I'M BLIND!!
Yesh, I am excited~ ^^ I like cereal!!!! No more TV for Shirota~