-Darksmile- Hi ^^ How are ya doing? -Siren-chan- Yesh, very very dangerous xDD -HisNobody- Okay, so you aren't gay, Sephy! *whacks and dies*
xDD It's okay to admit it, Sephy. We aren't here to judge you... *falls out of chair* Sephiroth.. In a skirt... *dies laughing*
Oh, the money I would pay to see Sephiroth in a skirt xDDD *snaps fingers in Sephy's face* ...Are you gay? Disclaimer: I have nothing against gay people.
*ish glomped* Hiya~ ^^ O.O You look so pretty~!!!! So that's what Riku looks like in a skirt... *gets stabbed by Sephy* JERK~!! *beats with racket* I'ma eat joo~
But she IS dangerous, Sephy!
Macie is bored, too.
*revives* -Siren-chan- What the Lexicon word does xDD lol You're invovled XDDD Anywho, I gotta get off of here for now. It depends if my mom ever gets off the main computer. So if I don't see you later, I might be seeing you tomorrow. *waves and ninja poofs*
lol, Oh, mmkay then x3 I just now saw what you said when you edited your post, Siren-chan. And I just have to say this: Oh my gosh *falls out of chair*
That is a good catch. This never even crossed my mind after reading the sixth.
xDD Having troubles, are we, Siren-chan?
Awe, we missed you too, KXR!!! -Siren-chan- xDD I like number two as well
Yeah, just a little bit. *hears Shelby in background "Na na, nananana"* Awez, bye byez! Sleep well, Aerith!!
You'll never get my Starbucks!! D= I have no idea!! DXXX -Siren-chan- Ooooooh. x3 I can't wait! lol, Lexicon *falls out of chair* For some reason I find that word humourous.
NEVAH~!!!! IT'S ALL MINE~!!!!! MUAHAHAHA *runs in circles* O.o *facepalm* Haha, Lexicon. xD Welcome back, KXR! How are ya?
xDD D< NO WAY~! *o* Yay!!! -Siren-chan- lol I won't. Haha, I can't wait to see it!! xDD
Yeah, he's someone else. Not important. T^T Yanagi ish the Starbucks drinker >.< STARBUCKS~!!!!
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaack. *sigh* I'm gonna have to put restrictions on you >.>
I'd like to meet Zexion =] But out of this bunch, probably Axel, Leon, Yuffie or Cloud.
-Aerith- *o* That's so cool~!! -Siren-chan- Nahh, I'll just deal with this laptop ^^
Teh kitty ears? What ish it like?