-______________________________________- that is all... 32662
yes... i've been hearing that many Canadians have been heading south... i've also heard some have been denied purchase of motor vehicles due to where they came from...
then it'd be just a pain... EDIT: we have a lurker
*speeding tackle glomp of t3h doom* Hi ...why aren't you on MSN? 32657
i bet you any money that's Phase 4 :3
yes... but if your whole life is one big Murphy's law #3 then... it'd be one giant pain in the @$$
bah you should've seen my old school... after suffering much emotional pain from "something" i almost failed math because my teacher was a heartless *******... high school... good times...
Spend 10-30 minutes carefully thinking it out, what you see is what you get it doesn't... hell i got all the FF girls before getting a guy (Sephiroth... i am nothing like him O.o) ...what the crap? plus... those tests suck... so if your upset with the results... just don't try again.
You can play it?! :3
well picking different answers will do that :3 Gender means nothing to it... it's personality... and quit wanting your fave... in my opinion, Yuna's an awesome one to get
how about a Horsea? You like it, it kind of looks like it and you use it in the Family Chatbox...
yes... go forth my brethren... as world domination will soon be ours... O.O; I-I mean, wow! Shocking! :sweatdrop:
for one... funner isn't a word (i luuuurve doing that) sorry... had to do it... and... a dog instead? umm... Dog... ist :3
Death Note font would be what is used on the cover, and in the rules of the Death Note... not Old Engrish... Cloister Black... whatever... -.-
my initials...: >> << L :3
CtR really the only one that just pops into my head....
*points* WHO IS KIRA!
welp... all the excitement's gone from this thread... unless someone nubbishy defends him... tell me what happened in the mornin' *passes Judgement on 87 criminals before going to bed*
Goimez... Kira has blessed you with Minesweeper awesomeness...
*grabs his Death Note* My tackle-hugging Misa came with it :3